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Becca Jameson books

Becca Jameson

Read Books by Becca Jameson


Clinch (The Underground Book 2)

It seemed more people in the speakeasy had bet on Mikhail than the other guy, judging by the expressions on most of their faces. She didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye to Alena before Leo ushered her back the way they came and out the side door. She hated to admit she was a little disappoin...

Clinch (The Underground Book 2) by Becca Jameson

Sharon's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 10)

Sharon said as she set her chin on Cooper’s chest and flattened her palm on his firm pecs. Jackson had left ten minutes ago to go for a run, grumbling about having to do so on human legs and far more frequently than his mates just to keep up half the stamina they seemed to have an unlimited suppl...

Sharon's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 10) by Becca Jameson

Bound to be Tamed: Emergence, Book 2 (2014)

He needed to fix that lest he lose two lives every time it made that noise. Carlton stepped in. “Hey,” Jason said. “What’s up?” “Just making sure you have the couple of new guys on your calendar for a walk through. They’ll be here tomorrow to visit.”...

Bound to be Tamed: Emergence, Book 2 (2014) by Becca Jameson

Submit (The Underground Book 4)

“Is that a crime?” Belinda kicked off her shoes and padded to the kitchen. She needed a glass of wine. Besides the fact that the fight was stressful, her nerves were frayed from trying to read Nikolav’s mind. He said from the beginning, days ago, he wouldn’t have sex with her until she was certai...

Submit (The Underground Book 4) by Becca Jameson

Freedom in the Smokies (2013)

When his eyes popped open several hours later, he smiled. He’d never been so relaxed in his life. His mate’s warm body remained nestled against him. He glanced at the window. It was still dark, but the slight purple tinge to the sky told him it was nearing dawn. Trying not to disturb Kaitlyn, he ...

Freedom in the Smokies (2013) by Becca Jameson


He set his briefcase on the small table and dropped his duffle inside the front room. He pushed the door closed and reset the alarm. His intent was to grab a quick shower and then race to Ashley’s parents’. Instead, he froze in his spot. He’d known the place would smell of his mate. They’d made l...

Redeemed by Becca Jameson

Lindsey's Wolves

Copyright © 2012, Becca Jameson. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. Manufactured in the Un...

Lindsey's Wolves by Becca Jameson

Laurie's Wolves

She blinked several times before she realized where she was. Zach’s condo. And she was way too warm. Trapped in a cocoon of blankets and hot male body. She moaned, wiggling to free herself. Zach tucked her closer, making her wince in claustrophobic frustration. Even her head was covered. She coul...

Laurie's Wolves by Becca Jameson


She squinted to ensure he was telling her the whole truth. “I mean it. Please tell me if this feels weird to you.” He laughed. “Weird?” He squeezed around her waist and kissed her soundly on the lips. “This is beyond weird, baby. It’s like a dream and I’m gonna wake up and find out I fell asleep ...

Completed by Becca Jameson

Rescue in the Smokies (Durham Wolves)

What the heck was she thinking?And she wasn’t stupid enough to blame this indiscretion solely on Sergius. She’d been as much an instigator as him. In fact, she’d nearly yanked his head down toward hers for that mind-numbing kiss.And now her brain cells swam inside her head, unable to regroup and ...

Rescue in the Smokies (Durham Wolves) by Becca Jameson

Blind with Love

Hanson’s office promptly at six o’clock Monday morning. She waited only minutes in his outer office before a quiet-spoken, sweet, elderly receptionist showed her in. “Good morning, Ms. Nickels. Are you ready?” Dr. Hanson was not wasting any time. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” Kristen sat i...

Blind with Love by Becca Jameson

Betrayed (Wolf Gatherings Book 6)

Several reserves had come to get her. Someone returned the rental car for her, and now she sped down the highway in the backseat of an average-looking, nondescript black sedan with Alex and another member of NAR, Silas. She knew they were only miles behind Marcus, and it comforted her to know it....

Betrayed (Wolf Gatherings Book 6) by Becca Jameson


Rafe chuckled from the table. “Not a morning person, then. I wasn’t sure if that was yesterday or all days.” At least he was wearing a shirt this time. How noble of him.     Katy ignored him and headed for the bathroom with her mug.     After their strange ...

Come by Becca Jameson

Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (2015)

She hadn’t slept and she couldn’t bring herself to get out of bed. She knew she would have to face the world eventually, but for hours she just lay there staring at the ceiling.     She wondered if her cousins were outside even now, watching her apartment. She shivered from he...

Bound to be Tempted: Emergence, Book 4 (2015) by Becca Jameson

Bound to be Tested: Emergence, Book 3 (2015)

Granted, he’d kept her on her toes most of the evening yesterday, pushing her to her mental limit.     Was he forcing her to acquiesce too fast? He wanted her the way she was before he left her. It would take some time to regain her trust, but if he could get her body to respo...

Bound to be Tested: Emergence, Book 3 (2015) by Becca Jameson


“She returns from the great beyond.” He sensed her mind coming around and knew the moment she was no longer in deep slumber. He scurried over to the bed and sat beside her. Her face was red on one side, the side she’d been sleeping on for hours. “I wasn’t sure you’d ever wake up.” She struggled t...

Frostbitten by Becca Jameson

Awakening Abduction

How had she gotten so lucky? Intense feelings assaulted her, none of them surprisingly unwelcome. Cherished. Dominated. Home.James blanketed her from above, sliding slightly to one side to avoid smashing her, but close enough that she felt the desired pressure of his warm body. She wasn’t ready t...

Awakening Abduction by Becca Jameson

Three's A Cruise

“I love the Miami weather.” Nathan stepped towards the balcony and held the curtain back to gaze out at the city lights. “The view is spectacular from here.” Breathtaking, if he was honest. “That it is.” Nathan turned his head towards Jordan’s voice and found Jordan’s gaze roaming up his frame. P...

Three's A Cruise by Becca Jameson

Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6)

What was the matter with these people? Didn’t they have any sense?     Rule number one in stabbings or any sort of impaling—never remove the object.     She knew he would bleed out in minutes if they did.     Nevertheless, she found hers...

Rebecca's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 6) by Becca Jameson

Jessica's Wolves

The two imbeciles he employed as his right-hand men stood near the door, heads bowed. He doubted they were staring at their shoes as a sign of respect. Probably more out of shame. Fucking failures. “I need you to find this woman.” He held out a recent photo of Alyssa Franklin.Everyone knew she wa...

Jessica's Wolves by Becca Jameson

Guard (The Underground Book 3)

She’d been with him several times to the gym and to the clinic, but this was her first trip to the apartment where she would see his belongings and get a better idea of who he was and what made him tick. She had no idea why she was such a ball of nerves. Liar. Her pussy still protested the way it...

Guard (The Underground Book 3) by Becca Jameson

The Prize

I heard my name, but it seemed so far away… “Meagan?” Someone had a hold of my hand and squeezed.     Finally, I blinked and found myself staring up at Parker.     A sob behind him made me whip my gaze to one side. My mother?     “Oh my ...

The Prize by Becca Jameson

Perv (2014)

He’d booked a reservation before arriving at Ribbons and Bows. He felt like a gangly teenager on his first date. In fact he’d been a teenager the last time he’d been on a real date. He’d never been lacking in women, and he’d serviced plenty over the years, never fail...

Perv (2014) by Becca Jameson

Kara's Wolves

She’d thought Justin and Trevor had a large home, but this one was enormous. Ranch-style red brick with a porch wrapping all the way across the front and disappearing around both sides.White pillars and railing were spaced at intervals in the front. The porch alone could hold an entire party. “Ju...

Kara's Wolves by Becca Jameson

Dominated (2013)

She wasn’t about to go inside the meeting hall and look for them. First of all, she must look a mess. Second of all, anyone with any sense would be able to see she was mated now. She must reek of Gabriel Albertson. Ugh. She shivered, even though it was hot in the back seat. She wrapped her ...

Dominated (2013) by Becca Jameson

The Game

When I pulled in, I was wrung out, physically and mentally. Exhausted from the stress of worrying all day, crying in the car, and then driving through traffic.     Riley came outside before I exited my car. He pulled my door open, took my hand, and led me inside. After he shut...

The Game by Becca Jameson

Out Of The Smoke

By seven in the morning, Alan had once again finished his early routine. This time he’d worked out so hard, his heart rate was still up. Could a person exercise enough to squelch their animal attraction to another? Doubtful, but worth the effort.As expected, Liz was at the house promptly at eight...

Out Of The Smoke by Becca Jameson


Jerrod leaned forward to peer out the window at all the cars inching their way into the gravel parking lot. Drake veered to the left, spotting an open space. “Nope. There is no such thing as late. We get here when we get here.” And we leave as soon as your brothers get their itch scratched. “Will...

Tarnished by Becca Jameson


It wasn’t different from many other days in Seattle, but his hackles were up this morning. Sundays were usually quiet days for Steven. Sundays were the only day he didn’t go in to The Head Council offices to perform some duty as one of the five head elders. But times were changing, just like the ...

Abandoned by Becca Jameson

The Rules

My pointer froze above the mouse. My entire body froze. I couldn’t even lift my face to glance at my boss. My neck stiffened. And the flush that raced up my cheeks burned. Downloaded to the desktop was a book titled The Rules. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to ascertain what it was about. The ...

The Rules by Becca Jameson

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