Rosa was a young teenager when she left the sheltered life of the convent to become a governess for a wealthy Italian family. Strange and mystical things happen while she is with them. In trying to help another staff member, Rosa is accused of being an enemy of the state. I don’t want to say a...
Nemesis Kitap’tan çıkmış olan “Belinda Alexandra’nın Güller İçinde Yalnız” adlı kitabını okuyup bitirdim.Kitabı , on beş – yirmi günlük bir süreçte okudum.Böyle uzun bir sürece yayma sebebim ; kitabın tarihi bir kurgu üzerine oturtulmuş olması. Ve ben tarihi veya tarihi kurgu kitaplarını okurke...
I have some mixed feelings about this one. My grandmother recommended it to me in a sort of weird way where she insisted that she knew it looked like chick lit (which I didn't doubt with its cover and with an author with a name like "Belinda Alexandra") but assured me that it was and wasn't at th...
A gifted ballet dancer, Paloma Batton is humiliated at not being chosen for the Paris Opera Ballet. Given another chance to audition she’s not confident of passing as she realises her failure to win a place the first time was due to a personal grievance of Arielle Marineau, a member of the select...
He estado unos dos meses leyendo este libro y aunque pareciera que no iba a acabarlo nunca, por fin he podido cerrarlo. Y digo por fin, por ciertas razones que paso a explicar a continuación.Elegí este libro por mi gusto por los libros sobre viajes a otros países, aunque la estética de romance su...
In a district of the city of Harbin, a haven for White Russian families since Russia′s Communist revolution, Alina Kozlova must make a heartbreaking decision if her only child, Anya, is to survive the final days of World War II.White Gardenia sweeps across cultures and continents, from the glamor...
Workers and their families took part in nightly demonstrations against the war. They marched to the residence of the Marqués of Comillas to shout, ‘Down with the war! Long live Spain and death to Comillas!’ The protests ended with the police firing into the air and arresting the leaders. Every ev...
The colour drained out of my life. My head spun so much I thought I couldn’t go on. And yet I had to. There was Maman and Mae to look after, as there always had been. As soon as I’d discovered that Leroy had been killed, I’d gone to Sam Coppola and told him what had happened. The loss had been so...
Lost in his own thoughts, he hardly took in the orange interior or the cuckoo clock that chimed every fifteen minutes, or the smells of tobacco smoke and pork that lingered in the air. After fifty-seven years he had completed his quest: his beloved Natasha was buried and her honour restored. His ...
In some ways it was easier because a summer Christmas was different from any we had experienced before and we could not be nostalgic. The eighty-six-degree heat wilted the tree, and us along with it. Uncle Ota cooked ‘billy can pudding’ over a fire in the back garden and Ranjana made spicy samosa...