Workers and their families took part in nightly demonstrations against the war. They marched to the residence of the Marqués of Comillas to shout, ‘Down with the war! Long live Spain and death to Comillas!’ The protests ended with the police firing into the air and arresting the leaders. Every evening, no matter how tired he was after work, Papá stayed late at the Casa del Pueblo’s café to learn the latest news. Newspaper reports cabled from Madrid informed the people gathered there what was happening before the Barcelona newspapers could print it: that the reservists, seasick and with inadequate military training, were being marched off the transport ships and straight into battle. They were being routed. To stop the flow of news from Madrid to Barcelona, Governor Ossorio ordered the cable lines cut. The Radicals called on Prime Minister Maura to reopen the Cortes, Spain’s parliament, which he had closed to avoid debate on the war. The street demonstrations grew in mass, forcing the merchants to close their stores early.