THE PANORAMA OF GUSEV crater opened before them as they moved north across the rumpled, pitted floor that told, to a practiced eye, a story running back over billions of years. She watched closely the shifting scenery in its lurid pinks and rusty splashes, knowing she was seeing it for the last t...
Memor enjoyed experimenting with the primate. Memor listened to the rumble of the fast train and ignored Bemor, who was working on his portable communicator. The primate was irked, eyes narrowed, after she heard some of Memor’s remarks about the difficulty of negotiating with their Captain. Tanan...
Marq tuned Nim in on the interoffice screen. “Did it! From now on, he'll be able to say anything he wants. I've deleted every scrape with authority he ever had.” “Attaway, ” said Nim, grinning. “Think I should delete run-ins with his father, too?” &...