Marq tuned Nim in on the interoffice screen. “Did it! From now on, he'll be able to say anything he wants. I've deleted every scrape with authority he ever had.” “Attaway, ” said Nim, grinning. “Think I should delete run-ins with his father, too?” “I'm not sure, ” Nim said. “What were they like?” “Pretty hot. His father was a strict disciplinarian, sympathetic to the 'Jansenist' view.” “What's that? A sports team?” “I asked. He said, 'A Catholic version of a Protestant.' I don't think they were teams. Something about sin being everywhere, pleasure's disgusting -- usual primitive religion, Dark Ages stuff.” Nim grinned. “Most stuffs only disgusting when it's done right.” Marq laughed. “Too true. Still, maybe he first experienced the threat of censorship from his old man.”