Did I actually agree to take sex off the table? That may have been the most fucked up thing I've ever done. I almost had her in the elevator. She was practically waiting for me to kiss her and then she took off the minute the doors opened. Christ, this one may be more trouble than she's worth. I ...
"So he says," I try not to sound discouraged. When I left his office an hour ago I didn't stop to turn back around to look at him. She takes a bite of the sandwich she ordered. "This is delicious. Not as good as what you make, but second best." I smile at the awkward compl...
I hadn't hesitated when he'd asked me if I wanted anything to drink. My mouth is bone dry from the anxiety that is surging through me. He didn't say a word to me on the elevator. The fact that there were three other people on the lift may have been the reason, but it hardly mattered. I knew that ...
"The Lilly from the coffee shop?" Considering I was wearing my bistro uniform when I took my now infamous nudie shot, I may need to get used to being known simply as 'Lilly from the coffee shop.' I find a small amount of comfort in the fact that Parker doesn't know my last name. "Yes, that Lilly,...
He shakes his head as he playfully grabs at the hem of my dress. "I need to take care of a few things today." I pull back and slip on my heels. "I'm meeting Nathan shortly." "Let me get ready." He pushes past me to his closet and rips a shirt from one of the padded hangers...