Never in her life had she been so brazenly forward as to enter a man’s bedchamber. After their earlier encounter it was mortifying enough to be seeking him out again, but to have him ask after another woman was an acute slap in the face. “I’m sorry, were you expecting someone else?” She tried to...
John gazed up the steps outside the Landon townhouse, unable to banish Penelope’s broken expression from his mind. Oh, to be so innocent again. To believe in any sort of magic instead of the bitter truths of the world. Guilt for his behavior gutted ...
Blissfully content and sleepy she inhaled deeply of the masculine cologne wafting through her senses. The ship rocked serenely indicating the storm the storm had gone. “Good morning, Cadence.” Her eyes flew instantly open as she shot b...
Not much for frilly, frou-frou parties, Marissa was only too happy to hand over all plans for the hasty wedding to Genie, Carolyn, and Ginny Long. While the bodies in the “haunted” woods proved an ungodly, unnerving revelation, she couldn’t help but be lost in the bliss of the unconditional adora...