Never in her life had she been so brazenly forward as to enter a man’s bedchamber. After their earlier encounter it was mortifying enough to be seeking him out again, but to have him ask after another woman was an acute slap in the face. “I’m sorry, were you expecting someone else?” She tried to reign in her tongue, reminding herself of the reason she’d come. “What?” Brian shook his head as though in utter disbelief. “You spoke Molly’s name. I assume you thought she was waiting for you, am I interrupting your afternoon interlude?” Lydia hid trembling hands beneath the folds in her skirt. Just to see Brian standing tall and intimidating across the room brought back the searing memories of his powerful arms locked around her. She envisioned her silly blonde maid in such a passionate embrace with the man she loved. Rage flowed through her. “Molly? What the hell does she have to do with anythin’? When I saw ye sittin’ beside the bed I thought the brazen little chit had waltzed in uninvited.