Once again Tyler Locke finds himself on another adventure. He finds himself working along side Stacy, who runs a television show. They go on a hunt to find the Midas Touch, for a man named Jordan Orr who is holding their family members hostage. After they travil to different parts of Europe and e...
TSUNAMI COUNTDOWN by Boyd Morrison is a fast page turner novel. Fast, because it is well written, interesting and suspenseful page after page. A space rock strikes the Pacific Ocean and sends waves outward to the chains of islands. Kia Tanaka, director of the warning center for Tsunami's must act...
Trying to read John Edmonstone’s jagged handwriting while swooping through the curves on the road to Loch Ness finally ended up being too much. When they reached the broad Glen Coe valley, she asked Tyler to stop the car at a scenic overlook so that she could decipher the journal without losing h...
She hurled it into the wall, showering the floor with glass shards. The destruction felt good, but she still burned with fury.As a maid rushed over to sweep up the remains of the vase, Cavano stomped through the living room and onto the terrace overlooking the sea. Her cousin Salvatore followed h...
Tyler asked Jess.She was sure he hadn’t turned her way when she popped out. “No, but they’re headed straight for us. They’ll see the opening any minute.”With Colchev and his men only a few hundred yards away, Tyler and Jess couldn’t come out of the secret passage without being spotted. Unarmed, J...
It was 1:00 pm on Thursday, and Lobec knew he was running out of time. The longer Kevin Hamilton and Erica Jensen remained at large, the greater the chance that he would never be able to recover the Adamas notebook, that they would turn it over to the police or someone else who may eventually und...