Este libro trata de intriducirnos a lo que es la Teoría de la Relatividad. Si bien es cierto que hay explicaciones que las hace bien, el conjunto del libro no ha sido del todo de mi agrado. He sacado de él algunas ideas, pero no creo que quien no sepa nada de relatividad pueda entender demasiado ...
this would have earned four stars if it was as accessible as the authors seem to think it is. at times, they painstakingly explain concepts that the general reader probably already has an idea about, other times their explanations fall very short and their analogies make no sense whatsoever. my f...
The information in this book was incredible. The delivery sometimes made it more difficult than necessary. I don't believe that every book should have to be "beginner" level, but if you're going to claim that anyone can read it, maybe spend a little extra time working out some good analogies to e...
This book is good for anyone who has recently taken an introductory modern physics course in college (as I just have done, the book is a good recap of the course) or someone interested in a basic understanding of what quantum mechanics is about (it might take a few re-readings of some paragraphs ...
"Two and a half million years ago, when our distant relative Homo habilis was foraging for food across the Tanzanian savannah, a beam of light left the Andromeda Galaxy and began its journey across the Universe. As that light beam raced across space at the speed of light, generations of pre-human...