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Candace Irvin books

Candace Irvin
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Read Books by Candace Irvin


The Impossible Alliance (Family Secrets) (2003)

AGENT: Jared Sullivan MISSION: Rescue a missing CIA agent and thwart Rebelian Dictator General DeBruzkya's plans for his collection of stolen gems. DEEPEST SECRET: Jared believed nothing could restore his belief in the future, until he met the woman he wanted to build one with. Three months ago...

The Impossible Alliance (Family Secrets) (2003) by Candace Irvin

The Impossible Alliance (2003)

Alex dragged her gaze down to the man whose oversize paw was still locked to the most intimate part of her body, praying with every fiber of her being. She needn’t have bothered. He knew. The irony of Jared Sullivan discovering one of her most fiercely guarded secrets this way scorched the remain...

The Impossible Alliance (2003) by Candace Irvin

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