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Read The Impossible Alliance (Family Secrets) (2003)

The Impossible Alliance (Family Secrets) (2003)

Online Book

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0373272847 (ISBN13: 9780373272846)

The Impossible Alliance (Family Secrets) (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

AGENT: Jared Sullivan
MISSION: Rescue a missing CIA agent and thwart Rebelian Dictator General DeBruzkya's plans for his collection of stolen gems.
DEEPEST SECRET: Jared believed nothing could restore his belief in the future, until he met the woman he wanted to build one with.

Three months ago a dark secret forced Search and Rescue specialist Jared Sullivan out of the secret agent game--a fact that meant nothing to ARIES director Sam Hatch. Against his better judgment, Jared agreed to his mentor's request to take on one last mission. He had no idea his chase would lead him to beautiful but unknown ARIES agent Alexis Warner. Alexis has shocking secrets of her own. Somewhere in the woman's missing memory is the key to a ruthless dictator's insidious intent. And if the truth doesn't surface soon, not only will Jared and Alexis lose their chance for a life together, they might not have a world left to live it in.

FAMILY SECRETS: No one is who they seem.

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