المنهج العلمي على ما يبدو عليه من الغلظة والسماجة لهو أهم إلى حد بعيد من مكتشفات العلم.ذُهلت عندما وجدت الكاتب يَستَهل كتابه بالحديث بجدية لتفنيد مزاعم الأطباق الطائرة!! ؛إن الكاتب-أي كارل ساجان- هو أحد أشهر العلماء في التاريخ, ليس فقط لإنجازاته العلمية, بل لدوره الأدبي في نشر العلم للعامة, حيث ...
Carl Sagan's on a tear again. He can't stop himself, and you can't help cheering as you watch him go! He's a one man demonstration of evolution as a model for scientific method: cook up a whole lot of crazy mutant ideas and set them all free, unleash them on the World, and see which ones survive....
إن تأملنا أنفسنا من منظور كونيفإن كل واحد منا لا يقدر بثمنإن خالفك إنساناً في الرأي ، فدعه يعيشففي مائة بليون مجرة لن تجد واحداً غيره!هذا باختصار هو كارل ساجان (أو سيجن) أيتها البشريةواحد من أعظم العلماء الذين أنجبتهم هذه الأرضليس فقط لإسهاماته العلمية ، ولكن لإنسانيته التي تدعو حقاً للتأملفي الح...
This is the fourteenth book I've read for my 52 in 52 project, and it's the only one so far that I finished reading in about one day. Saying that I could hardly put the book down is pretty accurate. But the authors, Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan made their writing and analysis so engaging and fairly ...
I am a great fan of Carl Sagan and it is with some sadness that I can recommend this, his last book, only partially. It is a collection of nineteen essays, organized into three mostly unrelated parts. Some items are well worth reading—particularly the last—but some not at all.Part 1, "The Power a...
"العلم هو طريقة للتفكير أكثر مما هو مجموعة من المعارف". تقرأ هذه الحكمة مفتتحا أول فصول هذا الكتاب الرائع المكون من مجموعة من المقالات المنتقاة لعالم الفلك و الكاتب و الأديب و الإعلامي الأمريكي ذي الأصول الروسية كارل ساجان. ببساطة يقدم هذا الكتاب مادة علمية معقدة بصورة أدبية سهلة بل و لذيذة، تذكر...
What I remember most of this book is that it scared the @#%$*& out of me! This was one of the earliest popular works about nuclear winter. As a teenager in the midst of the Cold War, it firmly influenced my thinking on this subject. Not for the weak at heart -- this book is certainly not writt...
Sombras de antepasados olvidados Carl Sagan y Ann Druyan. ¿Quiénes somos? ¿De donde venimos? ¿Por que somos así? ¿Como nos hemos desarrollado con respecto al tiempo? ¿Es importante el DNA y como funciona? son respuestas que se encuentran mas que vigentes y al viejo estilo de los griegos en alguno...
—The Dead Sea Scrolls CHAPTER 19 Naked Singularity …mount to paradise By the stairway of surprise. —RALPH WALDO EMERSON “Merlin,” Poems (1847) It is not impossible that to some infinitely superior being the whole universe may be as one plain, the distance between pl...
. The Nuclear WinterCarl SaganCarl Sagan, a modern-day Renaissance man of science, was horn in 1934 in New York. After graduating with both a B.A. and a B.S. degree from the University of Chicago, Sagan completed his M.S. in physics and earned a Ph.D. in astronomy and astro-physics in 1960. Sagan...
near the village of Cardiff in western New York. Clergymen and scientists alike asserted that it was a fossilized human being from ages past, perhaps a confirmation of the Biblical account: “There were giants in those days.” Many commented on the detail of the figure, seemingly far finer than a m...
The Lost Pictures of Mars The Mariner 9 mission to Mars radioed back to Earth 7,232 photographs that revolutionized our knowledge about the planet. Many hundreds of these pictures were devoted to studying variable features, the time changes in the relative configurations of bright and dark markin...
JOSEPH FOURIER,Analytic Theory of Heat, Preliminary Discourse (1822) The way I first heard the story, it happened in ancient Persia. But it may have been India or even China. Anyway, it happened a long time ago. The Grand Vizier, the principal advisor to the King, had invented a new game. It was ...