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Chet Williamson books

Chet Williamson
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Read Books by Chet Williamson


Murder in Cormyr (2000)

“How could you tell he was dead?” Lindavar asked.“Well, sor, with his head over here and the rest of him over there, it didn’t look promisin’ for him.”Lately, I’ve been jonesing for some old school Dungeons & Dragons material and, to help scratch that itch, I picked up Chet Williamson’s Murder in...

Murder in Cormyr (2000) by Chet Williamson

The Searchers: City of Iron (1998)

The Searchers: Book One SOMETHING IS OUT THERE. AND EVERYTHING WE KNOW, EVERYTHING WE BELIEVE, EVERYTHING WE ARE - IS DOOMED. Their identities are a secret. Their mission does not exist. There is no one they can trust. . . not even the one man pulling the strings. A trio of uniquely talent...

The Searchers: City of Iron (1998) by Chet Williamson

Lowland Rider (1988)

This is the 3rd of the Chet Williamson books I picked up - and I will admit that I cannot find the edition I have - as all three are from Robinsons - sadly I think the not only do they not publish them anymore but I am not so sure if the publisher is still about either.Anyway this book cover is n...

Lowland Rider (1988) by Chet Williamson

Reign (1990)

The story centers around a renovated theater in Pennsylvania and is arranged in three acts, plus overture and curtain call. The tension in Act I heightens as the reader must decide if this is a murder mystery, psychodrama, horror or fantasy, with the author offering clues to support each possibil...

Reign (1990) by Chet Williamson

Empire of Dust (1998)

The Searchers: Book Two HE IS OUT THERE. AND HE IS DANGEROUS BEYOND IMAGINING. Two men walk the desert beneath the Arizona stars. By morning, one will lie buried beneath the blistering sands. The other will be the new Apostle. Laika Harris, Tony Luciano and Joseph Stein are the Searchers -...

Empire of Dust (1998) by Chet Williamson

Ash Wednesday (1989)

Scattered through the streets and homes of Merridale are glowing, transparent blue forms, frozen in their death agonies. They do not speak--and are all the more terrifying for their silence. Merridale's dead have returned. All hell is about to break loose.

Ash Wednesday (1989) by Chet Williamson

Robert Bloch's Psycho

Isaac Goldberg’s vanishing was announced. Nurses, attendants, cooks, janitors, the entire staff, felt rudderless as the news—and the rumors—spread. Even though the evening shift, including Ben Blake and Dick O’Brien, had gone home, word had spread about the man in the basement with the gun. With ...

Robert Bloch's Psycho by Chet Williamson

The Night Listener and Others

But I figured here was best. That way I can let other people know, and maybe they can do something to help. But what I don’t want you to know is who I am, and that’s why I’m going anonymous—my name isn’t Andy and my girlfriend’s name isn’t Kyle, and everybody else’s name is changed too.But I have...

The Night Listener and Others by Chet Williamson

Second Chance

and Mrs. Robinson were registered), they sat and held each other for a long time. Then Tracy kissed him and said, "It's only nine on the coast. Let's call the kids." "The kids," he repeated.     "I thought you'd want to talk to them. Hear their voices." "Yes," he said, hoping ...

Second Chance by Chet Williamson


He had expected to hear some shooting today, but not this far from any of the camps. Boys would be boys, and hunters were often the biggest boys of all. They got jittery waiting for the first day, and blasted away at tin cans and bottles with their deer rifles or the pistols they had brought into...

Hunters by Chet Williamson

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