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Read The Night Listener And Others

The Night Listener and Others

Online Book

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The Night Listener And Others - Plot & Excerpts

But I figured here was best. That way I can let other people know, and maybe they can do something to help. But what I don’t want you to know is who I am, and that’s why I’m going anonymous—my name isn’t Andy and my girlfriend’s name isn’t Kyle, and everybody else’s name is changed too.But I have to let people know, because it’s really important, more important than you can guess. When you get right down to it, it’s the most important thing of all, the darkness and the light.Nighttime was when I noticed the shadows in the hospice. And when I saw the lights too. At first I thought they were just a trick of the light, since I had tears in my eyes a lot when I was there, and tears can do funny things to your vision.I had good reason to cry. Kyle was dying. I think I loved Kylie ever since we were little kids. When we played at recess her blonde hair was so bright I thought the sun had gotten caught in it. Sometimes—not very often—I’d get close enough to her so that I could smell her hair, a cross between lemons and fresh strawberries.

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