My actual rating: 3.25. A tale within a tale format is an interesting way to tell this tale! As nine people are trapped after an earthquake, they pass time and keep calm by each telling a story about "one amazing thing" from their lives. This gives us insight into each character and the circumst...
Sinceramente, non so quanto mi sia piaciuto questo libro, ma alla fine mi sono decisa per tre stelline perché comunque coinvolge a tal punto da voler seguire le protagoniste fino alla fine. Ha anche altri lati positivi di cui parlerò in seguito perché preferisco elencare prima ciò che non mi è pi...
Selalu ada nuansa magis dalam cerita-cerita Chitra, 'spesialis' tema imigran India di Amerika. Seolah melalui tulisannya, dia ingin memperlihatkan bahwa di tengah kemodernan Amerika yang serba individual dan terburu-buru, ada sebuah oase berupa kenangan tentang India. India yang bijak dan dewasa ...
Judul: Arranged Marriage (Perjodohan)Seri: Brotherhood of The Conch #2Penulis: Chitra Banerjee DivakaruniPenerjemah: Gita Yuliani K.Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka UtamaTerbit: Januari 2014Tebal: 376 halamanISBN: 978-602-03-0135-8Kategori: Novel FiksiGenre: Sastra India, Sosial Budaya, Kumpulan Cerita...
Selama masih hidup di dunia fana ini, kita tidak akan luput dari kesalahan. Dari kesalahan yang dilakukan, terbagi menjadi kesalahan yang disadari maupun kesalahan yang tidak disadari. Orang bijak adalah orang yang belajar dari kesalahan.Pernahkah anda memasuki suatu lingkungan baru yang sama sek...
I picked the book up on a secondhand book sale and was intrigued by the spices which, in retrospect, should have been the protagonists in the tale! But I always enjoyed the magic flavors of the huge Asian spice markets in South Africa, where it is exhibited in heaps and weighed on ancient scales...
This review ran in the San Jose Mercury News in 2002:Do you know the sensation of getting near the end of a book and feeling the thickness of the pages left? As the remaining pages of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's new novel grew fewer I began to worry: Would there be room enough for what I wanted ...
A reimagining of the world-famous Indian epic, the Mahabharat—told from the point of view of an amazing woman. Relevant to today’s war-torn world, The Palace of Illusions takes us back to a time that is half history, half myth, and wholly magical. Narrated by Panchaali, the wife of the legendary...
The flight, where I was crammed into a corner beside an overweight man who spilled onto my seat, snoring energetically, had seemed interminable. The recycled air made my eyes itchy and dry. Unable to sleep, I had obsessed over all the things that might go wrong in America—and it seems that alread...
Those rum-scented evenings when Father’s slurred yells slammed into the peeling walls of wherever we were living at the moment, I would lie wedged behind a sofa or under a bed, and close my eyes and slide into it. Sometimes my brother lay there also, curled tight against me, sucking his thumb, al...
There was a celebration feast in Ranchi, where his father was a teacher in the city’s best school. A hundred guests were invited because he was the first son. He’s not sure how he knows this. An old photo maybe, or a story, or merely a craving inside, because his grandmother died within the year,...