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Christopher Rowley books

Christopher Rowley
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Read Books by Christopher Rowley


Heavy Metal Pulp: Pleasure Model (2010)

Pleasure ModelBy Christopher RowleyPublisher: TorPublished In: New York, NY, USA Date: 2010Pgs: 238Summary:In a grim future world, murder seems to stalk everyday life. A cop in Hudson Valley catches a call out to a murder scene. Inside he finds General Manuel Sagacha, a man with blood on his hand...

Heavy Metal Pulp: Pleasure Model (2010) by Christopher Rowley

Bazil Broketail (1992)

The city of Marneri gives no thanks for the century-old protection of the Great Spell this year. Dark Masters of Padmasa want to end all freedom and color in the world and kidnap Princess Besita. If village dragon Bazil Broketail and his Orphanboy Relkin cannot prove their lighting mettle in an a...

Bazil Broketail (1992) by Christopher Rowley

A Sword for a Dragon (1993)

THE 109TH DRAGONSThe most loyal bunch of dragon warriors and human attendants ever to march on campaign had just been reformed when Bazil Broketail and his human boy, Relkin, returned from a fruitless search for Bazil's beloved green dragoness. Eager for action against the evil enemy forces, the ...

A Sword for a Dragon (1993) by Christopher Rowley

Dragons of War (1994)

GOLDEN ELVES FORETOLD RELKIN'S FATE There is a field in Arneis, a garden of flowers. There Relkin will stand, when all has failed and the dark forcMtave triumphed. And on his shoujders will rest the destiny of the world.... A shadow of war hung over the peaceful land of the Argonath as The Master...

Dragons of War (1994) by Christopher Rowley

Dragon Ultimate (1999)

He is Called Many Names - Deceiver, Dominator, Burner of Men, Lord of Evil...Plague after plague has decimated the Empire of the Rose. Sensing its vulnerability, a terrible army amasses for a final onslaught against its age-old enemy - a battle that will once and for all satisfy the bloodlust of ...

Dragon Ultimate (1999) by Christopher Rowley

A Dragon at Worlds' End (1997)

Picking up where "Battledragon" ends, Bazil and his dragoneer Relkin find themselves lost in a vast and trackless jungle inhabited by the mysterious people called the Ardu. As the Ardu are captured and sold to the sadistic Elven-mage lords of Mirchaz, Relkin is kidnapped trying to help the Ardu--...

A Dragon at Worlds' End (1997) by Christopher Rowley

Battledragon (1995)

THE LEGENDARY PROPHET has been drawn back from the dead by a spell of unspeakable power. And with the Prophet's return, the Master of Darkness prepares to launch a devastating new attack against the Empire of the Rose - a war fueled by the most evil of sorceries and by a new magic-cast weapon whi...

Battledragon (1995) by Christopher Rowley

Starhammer (1986)

If I was the editor for a dictionary, I would put this book's cover art next to the entry for "genre trash." It's the kind of book that begins with a dozen paragraphs of galactic history, delivered as pure exposition from no one's perspective, before introducing an unstoppable protagonist who sta...

Starhammer (1986) by Christopher Rowley

Ancient Enemy (2000)

Young watermot Thru Gillo left behind the life of a farmer and became a student of the Assenzi, a race of scholars. Among them, he learned the history of his race and of how Man the Cruel destroyed the world before disappearing into the mists of time and legend.Or have they disappeared..?

Ancient Enemy (2000) by Christopher Rowley

The Shasht War (2001)

Thru Gillo has proven his courage in battle against the invading forces of Man the Cruel. But when he falls into the hands of the enemy and is taken to the distant land of Shast, he will be forced to trust a most unlikely ally -- a human woman....

The Shasht War (2001) by Christopher Rowley

Doom's Break (2002)

As the battle continues, Thru Gillo has ever-harder work cut out for him. For one, the land wars have moved to sea. For another, the hero will have to choose from the three females who lay claim to his heart. But first he'll have to survive the iron-fisted clutch of Man the Cruel...

Doom's Break (2002) by Christopher Rowley

The Dragons of Argonath

In every household new shoes were placed on the feet of the eldest daughter. The honor of placing these shoes went to her father, unless she were old enough to be married. In that case, her husband placed the new shoes on her feet and did up the straps.     In the receiving sa...

The Dragons of Argonath by Christopher Rowley

The Ancient Enemy

Simona dimly heard the splash as the body, wound in a sheet and weighted with rocks, was tossed over the side. Another bell was tolling farther off elsewhere in the fleet. The Anvil moved sluggishly, her sails slack. Simona was soaked, clammy, suddenly cold under nothing but a single sheet. She s...

The Ancient Enemy by Christopher Rowley

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