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Read Dragon Ultimate (1999)

Dragon Ultimate (1999)

Online Book

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0451455487 (ISBN13: 9780451455482)

Dragon Ultimate (1999) - Plot & Excerpts

He is Called Many Names - Deceiver, Dominator, Burner of Men, Lord of Evil...Plague after plague has decimated the Empire of the Rose. Sensing its vulnerability, a terrible army amasses for a final onslaught against its age-old enemy - a battle that will once and for all satisfy the bloodlust of the Deceiver... and render him powerful enough to challenge the High Ones with his dark and deadly magic....And He is Awake.The dragonboy Relkin knows that his destiny is at hand. With the legendary battledragon Bazil Broketail at his side, he must tap into his own potent magic. Now - in a realm and reality not their own - Relkin and Bazil are the only force standing between the fragile protectors of the worlds - and the most devastating evil imaginable...

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