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Coney, Michael G. books

Coney, Michael G.
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Read Books by Coney, Michael G.


King of the Scepter'd Isle (Song of Earth)

ASKED FANG. “THERE’S absolutely no way I’m sucking batmilk until I die of old age. And what about all the other gnomes? I’m responsible for them.” “You will not die for many millennia,” Afah assured him. “Batmilk slows the metabolism almost to a standstill. You will die quietly and naturally, lon...

King of the Scepter'd Isle (Song of Earth) by Coney, Michael G.

Gods of the Greataway

They say the whale is over two hundred meters long, and that he sings a song more beautiful than any minstrel’s as he cruises the oceans of Earth. Stories of the Great Blue are uplifting stories — of islands saved from destruction during hurricanes, of children saved from drowning while at play, ...

Gods of the Greataway by Coney, Michael G.

The Celestial Steam Locomotive (The Song of Earth)

They occur in earlier legends from different parts of Old Earth but at the time of the Triad they were the tools of Starquin as he shaped the Girl to his Purpose.  Starquin’s Purpose... This did not emerge until the Hate Bombs were planted, so the one very important event that happened before the...

The Celestial Steam Locomotive (The Song of Earth) by Coney, Michael G.

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