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Read King Of The Scepter'd Isle (Song Of Earth)

King of the Scepter'd Isle (Song of Earth)

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King Of The Scepter'd Isle (Song Of Earth) - Plot & Excerpts

ASKED FANG. “THERE’S absolutely no way I’m sucking batmilk until I die of old age. And what about all the other gnomes? I’m responsible for them.”
“You will not die for many millennia,” Afah assured him. “Batmilk slows the metabolism almost to a standstill. You will die quietly and naturally, long in the distant future, and your tissues will be absorbed by the bat. That is the honorable way. Thus will the temporary race of gnomes cease to exist. You have done your work and we are thankful for it, even though it was in vain.”
“What do you mean, in vain? We’ve brought back lobesful of data!”
“Your data reveals many factors that render Earth unsuitable for colonization. The joining of happentracks brought another intelligent race into your world. Kikihuahuas cannot coexist with other intelligent races. Conflict is inevitable, and we are not equipped to deal with conflict. If we had known the happentracks were going to merge, we never would have sent you down to Earth in the first place.

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