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Conn Iggulden books

Conn Iggulden
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Read Books by Conn Iggulden


Bones of the Hills (2008)

This series is truly amazing. No one book is better than the other and once you start reading it, you simply cannot stop! Once again I was taken into the world of Gengis Khan who was by no means someone you like but someone you have to admire for what he did and the strength of what he believed i...

Bones of the Hills (2008) by Conn Iggulden

Stormbird (2013)

Stormbird is the first of a series of novels which deals with The War Of The Roses. Stormbird reveals how tensions within the ruling families of England develop during the reign of Henry VI, the son of Henry V. Who should we support in this novel: the Lancastrians or the Yorkists? Iggulden guides...

Stormbird (2013) by Conn Iggulden

Emperor: The Blood of Gods (2013)

6.5/10This had the feeling of a surprise party where the guest of honour fails to turn up. Fair play to Julius Caesar, he had an excuse to not be there with him being stabbed by the “Liberators” at the end of book 4 so it was obvious he would be missing but the story certainly lacked something fo...

Emperor: The Blood of Gods (2013) by Conn Iggulden

Gudarnas blod (2014)

This book: Absolutely bloody brilliant, at times quite literally. The Blood of Gods is the fifth (and final) entry in Conn Iggulden's acclaimed Emperor series and chronicles the immediate aftermath of The Ides of March, 44 BC. Octavian, the future Augustus and first emperor of Rome, has vowed ven...

Gudarnas blod (2014) by Conn Iggulden

The Blood of Gods (2013)

Note: I originally requested this novel via Netgalley, but had technical issues that took a while to get a response from Netgalley in order to download the book. While waiting for the response, I also requested the audiobook via Audiobook Jukebox (thanks!). So, this review covers both as I listen...

The Blood of Gods (2013) by Conn Iggulden

Genghis: Bones of the Hills (2009)

Assuming that this book is more fiction than fact, 4 stars seem justified; but there are simply too many historical inaccuracies, especially towards the end. Some parts of the story are too rushed and the author seemed to have twisted some historical facts more than necessary. The author could ha...

Genghis: Bones of the Hills (2009) by Conn Iggulden

Conqueror (2011)

Had its moments, but not the best of the series. Had its moments, but not the best of the series.

Conqueror (2011) by Conn Iggulden

Quantum of Tweed: The Man with the Nissan Micra (2000)

This is my first try of Conn Igguldens writing and I just wish this was the first book in a series of similar stories. The book was about a bumbling gentlemens clothing shop owner, whom accidentally runs over the target of an assassin, then accidentally runs over the assassin, then... accident...

Quantum of Tweed: The Man with the Nissan Micra (2000) by Conn Iggulden

The Gods of War (2007)

An electrifying and spectacular conclusion to a universally loved, epic series that leaves you emotionally drained as Julius Caesar’s end comes to pass. This mammoth tale transports you back in time to when Rome was all powerful and dominating across the globe, taking the lead in social change an...

The Gods of War (2007) by Conn Iggulden

The Field of Swords (2006)

My book review for www.audiojukebox.comToday is March 15th, or as most of us know, the Ides of March. The three most common facts known about Julius Caesar is that he was one of the greatest rulers of the Roman Empire, he was assassinated on the Ides of March, and he created an amazing salad dre...

The Field of Swords (2006) by Conn Iggulden

Genghis: Birth of an Empire (2008)

أتردد كثيرا في انتقاء الكلمات مع الكتب التي تعجبني، فما بال الجميع بالكتب التي تخطف أنفاس .... أشعر أن كلمات مثل رواية رائعة أو رواية استثنائية - وهي كلمات استخدمتها لوصف روايات أخرى من قبل - ستكون مبتذلة بشكل أكبر مما يمكن أن أرتضيه لهذه الرواية التي اقتنيتها بسبب قراءات قمت بها وايقظت في الشغف ...

Genghis: Birth of an Empire (2008) by Conn Iggulden

The Death of Kings (2005)

The second installment in the fictional biography of Julius Caesar as envisaged by Conn Iggulden has all the elements of a summer blockbuster.There is war, war, more war, a little bit of sex, war and some political intrigue as ingredients. As with the first installment of this series, the author ...

The Death of Kings (2005) by Conn Iggulden

The Gates of Rome (2004)

I've been amazed by quite a few historical fiction already, but none of this specific genre. Rome is one of my favorite places ever since I was young. I aced my third year in high school where we had Greek, Roman, and Egyptian History. Those 3 are my main interest, kindly include Russian History ...

The Gates of Rome (2004) by Conn Iggulden

Genghis: Lords of the Bow (2008)

Oh really? Well, if the above adage is an accurate sentiment, than I think it's equitable to concede that Genghis Khan, ruler of the mightily manly Mongols, vanquisher and subjugator of a quarter of the known world, state it bluntly...the...MAN... Your enemies don't come more dripping w...

Genghis: Lords of the Bow (2008) by Conn Iggulden

Margaret of Anjou

Those who had died were in the ground, and wounds had become scars for those who lived. The fears and dark memories were already fading, driven out and swept away in the roar of cheering throats.     Huge crowds had gathered from long before dawn for their one chance in a life...

Margaret of Anjou by Conn Iggulden


The wind soared and sobbed around Alnwick Castle, whistling falling notes like a horn blowing retreat. At the head of the dining table, Henry Percy had grown darker and darker, his face swelling like a child holding his breath until he fainted.‘Lord Percy, we have common cause,’ Derry reminded hi...

Trinity by Conn Iggulden

The Khan Series 5-Book Bundle: Genghis: Birth of an Empire, Genghis: Bones of the Hills, Genghis: Lords of the Bow, Khan: Empire of Silver, Conqueror

Each one revealed a view of Hangzhou, with the river leading out into the bay. He had been moved often since coming into Sung lands, as if they could not think what to do with him. On rare occasions, he was even allowed to sail on the river, and he saw his wives and children twice a year, in stra...

The Khan Series 5-Book Bundle: Genghis: Birth of an Empire, Genghis: Bones of the Hills, Genghis: Lords of the Bow, Khan: Empire of Silver, Conqueror by Conn Iggulden

Lords of the Bow (2008)

He was in a sea of red and gold banners, fluttering with a noise like birds’ wings. He fought alone, desperately. They had not yet realized who he was. Only those close to him tried to crush the dervish of a warrior who fought and snarled into their faces. He spun and darted between them, using e...

Lords of the Bow (2008) by Conn Iggulden

Emperor: the field of swords E#3

Around them, the great open space at the center of the city was filled with thousands of citizens and slaves. Orators addressed those who could be persuaded to listen, and their voices carried over the heads of the crowd on a hundred different subjects. Slaves from wealthy houses hurried through,...

Emperor: the field of swords E#3 by Conn Iggulden

Emperor: The Death of Kings E#2

A sliver of healthy wood jolted out under the blow, but the dead branches showed it was time for the old tree to come down. It wouldn’t be long until he reached the heartwood, and he was sure the core was rotten. He had been working for more than an hour, and sweat plastered his linen bracae to h...

Emperor: The Death of Kings E#2 by Conn Iggulden

Empire of Silver

Leaving the Russian principates behind, he reached the limits of his maps. His scouts spread out ahead of the tumans, ranging in unknown territory for months at a time as they sketched valleys and towns and lakes, putting together a picture of the land that lay before him. Those who could read an...

Empire of Silver by Conn Iggulden

Wars of the Roses: Bloodline: Book 3 (The Wars of the Roses)

Despite that proud symbol, somehow Clifford sensed they made a pitiful group compared with the false king and his knights on the other bank. He could make out the banners of York as well as those of Warwick. There was no sign of Fauconberg or the colours of the Duke of Norfolk. Clifford felt his ...

Wars of the Roses: Bloodline: Book 3 (The Wars of the Roses) by Conn Iggulden

Emperor: The Gates of Rome E#1

Peppis was dozing behind him, lulled by the gentle rhythm of the horse's walk. Marcus thought of waking him with an elbow to see the view, but decided to leave him alone.It seemed as if they could see all of Greece from the heights, spread out below in a rolling green and yellow landscape with gr...

Emperor: The Gates of Rome E#1 by Conn Iggulden

Ravenspur: Rise of the Tudors

It showed in the deference of King Louis’s courtiers, men and women who spent their lives with a fine appreciation for the power and connections of those around them. For too long, she had been one of a hundred little moules of the royal family. She had heard the word whispered by snide clerks an...

Ravenspur: Rise of the Tudors by Conn Iggulden

The Dangerous Book of Heroes (2010)

—Article 39 Two of the sons of Henry II would become king after him. Richard I was the older brother. He was a famous warrior and is better known as “the Lion-Hearted.” He fought constantly to retake Jerusalem for Christianity and after becoming king in 1189 spent only seven months of his ten-yea...

The Dangerous Book of Heroes (2010) by Conn Iggulden

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