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Cooper Davis books

Cooper Davis
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3.67 of 5 Votes: 1
Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.68

Read Books by Cooper Davis


Boys of Summer (2009)

3.5 starsThis was a pretty short book. I have never read a book where the characters have already entered into a relationship. I am not sure why the author didn't take the opportunity to start from the beginning of Max and Hunters romantic relationship. It would have made for good writing to see ...

Boys of Summer (2009) by Cooper Davis

Bound By Nature (2010)

This was the best authentic lovestory I have read in a long time.The atmosphere of the book was dark and most of all still romantic. Hayden und Josh are real characters, who are remaining themselves until the end. Even if the idea is nothing new, the writing style was responsible that I spend my ...

Bound By Nature (2010) by Cooper Davis

Taking you Home (2011)

The 2nd book in the series - I highly recommend reading the 1st book first.I just love these characters - not a lot of drama in their love story, which is a nice change, but there is enough around them to make the story interesting. What is captivating is watching their love grow and how Hunter ...

Taking you Home (2011) by Cooper Davis

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