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Read Boys Of Summer (2009)

Boys of Summer (2009)

Online Book

3.63 of 5 Votes: 2
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160504637X (ISBN13: 9781605046372)
Samhain Publishing

Boys Of Summer (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

3.5 starsThis was a pretty short book. I have never read a book where the characters have already entered into a relationship. I am not sure why the author didn't take the opportunity to start from the beginning of Max and Hunters romantic relationship. It would have made for good writing to see the whole summer romance. Max and Hunter had good chemistry and I enjoyed the story line. It was very true to life in the fact that Hunter was so torn. Torn between being with the person you love and being what everyone thinks you are or should be. He went from being in love and happy, to moments of sheer panic. The sex was sweet and loving. The ending was **sigh** perfect :-) I will be picking up book 2. synopsis:hunter and max have been fooling around in their hometown, but keeping it a secret. hunter loves max, but doesn't want anyone to know, so they take a holiday to florida in an attempt to see if they can make a commitment to each other. there's only one problem: max won't do anything unless hunter is ready to commit, both to max and to coming out.what i liked: easy to read, fun, light. the hesitations and fears on the part of hunter were conveyed in a convincing manner.what i didn't like: it felt like another "gay for you" story, and there were things that happened in the past to bring them to florida that could have been given more story time.

What do You think about Boys Of Summer (2009)?

I didn´t like the writing style. The story was oké but sometimes a bit hard to believe.

Surprisingly HOT and AWESOME ! :)I enjoyed the characters a LOT. They're very likeable.

Short but surprisingly sweet for an erotic romance/coming out story.

A romantic read!!

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