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Craig Johnson books

Craig Johnson
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Read Books by Craig Johnson


Enfants de poussière (2012)

This is #4 in the Walt Logmire series and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Much more than I did the previous novel. Craig Johnson was back in form in this novel as Walt has to deal with his personal demons from his time in Vietnam. I enjoyed the back and forth settings, from Walt's experiences in Vietn...

Enfants de poussière (2012) by Craig Johnson

Hell Is Empty (2011)

Read as an audiobook for the car. This installment in the Longmire series is more adventure than traditional whodunnit, but still a good read for the characters and the mix of comedy in the midst of drama and suspense. I had mentioned to a fellow Longmire TV fan online that if the series (now c...

Hell Is Empty (2011) by Craig Johnson

Il volo di Natale (2014)

Walt Longmire is listening to Christmas music and getting ready for a quiet Christmas when he has an unexpected guest.The woman appears to know Walt and asks about his predecessor, Sheriff Lucian Connally.Walt tells the girl that he has been the sheriff in Absaroka County for almost a quarter of ...

Il volo di Natale (2014) by Craig Johnson

Divorce Horse (2012)

I am a HUGE Craig Johnson fan. I love the Longmire series, and his writing style. This was an OK read, but I'm finding myself a bit prejudiced when it comes to short stories. Johnson's style is great for developing a story and characters, and I find this short story leaves me a little "up-short"....

Divorce Horse (2012) by Craig Johnson

Christmas in Absaroka County (2012)

Love Walt, and love these little side-trips. Did NOT love that Amazon wanted $3.79 for 82 pages (most of which were the first chapter of Cold Dish/Longmire #1).A handful of short stories showing the more human side of Walt - specifically in relation to Christmas and his grieving for his wife. J...

Christmas in Absaroka County (2012) by Craig Johnson

Wait for Signs: Twelve Longmire Stories (2014)

This book of Walt Longmire short stories turned out to be the perfect Christmas gift because the majority of the stories were originally written as stand-alones sent out by Craig Johnson in his annual holiday newsletter. Johnson knows his characters and Wyoming inside and out, and quickly establi...

Wait for Signs: Twelve Longmire Stories (2014) by Craig Johnson

The Cold Dish (2006)

A group of friends and I have something that we like to call Forced Book Reads, where we each choose a book and make the whole gang read it. (Or at least they have to if they want the others to read THEIR book.) For my selection, I went with Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig, and now it's my friend Chri...

The Cold Dish (2006) by Craig Johnson

Death Without Company (2007)

”A life without friends means death without company. (Adiskidegabeco bizita, auzogabeko heriotza.)”--Basque Proverb.One thing that Walt Longmire will never be short of are friends. He also will never have to look far to find an enemy either, but when your bestfriend is a Cheyenne warrior named He...

Death Without Company (2007) by Craig Johnson

The Walt Longmire Mystery Series Boxed Set Volumes 1-4

“No, I didn’t. I simply stated division of criminal investigation, period, and then said I was looking for you.” She smiled and sipped the coffee Ruby had given her as she studied the Will.I looked over at Henry who was sitting in the other chair and at Ruby, hovering in the doorway; neither of t...

The Walt Longmire Mystery Series Boxed Set Volumes 1-4 by Craig Johnson

The Highwayman: A Longmire Story

He was an older gentleman and it’s a pretty hazardous place to be sitting if traffic were to come along, so I told Judy to go up to the north end and flag any cars that might be heading southbound.     Making sure he had the car in neutral and his foot off the brake, I began p...

The Highwayman: A Longmire Story by Craig Johnson

Messenger: A Walt Longmire Story

The term is over two hundred years old and was first coined by the French American writer John Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur in 1778, describing the warm calm before the winter storm.     Boy howdy.     If one of these miraculous days happened to appear on ...

Messenger: A Walt Longmire Story by Craig Johnson

An Obvious Fact

Lucky for us Chief Nutter was shooting in the second round, and even more fortunately, he was a small man and had extra equipment, including a lovely 332 Remington that had been cut down an inch, making it a perfect fit for the Terror. While the first-round shooters peppered the air with pellets ...

An Obvious Fact by Craig Johnson

Dry Bones: A Walt Longmire Mystery

I sat up and shook my head, hearing a high-pitched whine that eclipsed the thunder and everything else, truth to be told. Scrubbing my hands across my face, I discovered the reins still wrapped in my right hand, so I draped them over my shoulder and looked around for my hat and the radio, discove...

Dry Bones: A Walt Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson

Christmas in Absaroka County: Walt Longmire Christmas Stories

Readers glimpse a softer side of Sheriff Walt Longmire as he grapples with the death of his wife, Martha, and his sometimes turbulent but ever-loving relationship with his daughter, Cady. In these four stories—“Ministerial Aid,” “Slick-Tongued Devil,” “Toys for Tots,” and “Unbalanced” (three of w...

Christmas in Absaroka County: Walt Longmire Christmas Stories by Craig Johnson

A Serpent's Tooth: A Walt Longmire Mystery

In the perversity of western geography, the poetic-sounding locale of Surrey had pretty much dropped off the map, but the town of Short Drop had, in a small-town way, thrived.     The rolling hills were a khaki brown even with the wet summer and shimmered bronze against the sn...

A Serpent's Tooth: A Walt Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson

Cold Dish

Also that afternoon, Davey Force, a pitcher for the Philadelphia Athletics, went six for six against Chicago, who scored four runs in the ninth to pull out a 14 to 13 victory. Custer was not so lucky. The report of the Secretary of War states that the five companies had 405 Springfield carbines c...

Cold Dish by Craig Johnson

As the Crow Flies

I began questioning the makeup of the negotiation team I’d brought with me to convince the chief of the Northern Cheyenne tribe that he should allow my daughter to be married at Crazy Head Springs. “Don’t call the White Buffalo a joint; it’s the nerve center of the reservation.”    ...

As the Crow Flies by Craig Johnson

Any Other Name: A Longmire Mystery

I turned and looked at her as we sat in the parking lot of the Kmart, within eye-view of the Flying J Travel Plaza in the aftermath of an afternoon storm as a plow service pushed the never-ending snow over to the dividers. “As far as we know.”     She skimmed through the repor...

Any Other Name: A Longmire Mystery by Craig Johnson

The Dark Horse

I waited quietly in the back of the Campbell County sheriff’s cruiser, tried not to concentrate on the multitude of stains on the seat, and watched as the former and now retired Absaroka County sheriff and the current and very active Campbell County one explained to a deputy why it was he couldn’...

The Dark Horse by Craig Johnson

Junkyard Dogs (2010)

Dog lay beside the bench and wagged a greeting in four/four time as I sat with care next to Vic’s stocking feet—the only part of her that showed from under the gray wool. I reached down and petted Dog, who fell over on his side next to Vic’s tactical boots and closed his eyes. It seemed like a re...

Junkyard Dogs (2010) by Craig Johnson

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