Δε θα ξαναδιαβάσω παραμύθια. Ποτέ!!!! Με αυτό το βιβλίο δίνεται μια άλλη, τρομακτική διάσταση στα ασφαλή καταφύγια που μας δημιουργούσαν οι ψευδαισθήσεις των παραμυθιών όταν ήμαστε παιδιά. Είναι το δεύτερο βιβλίο της σειράς με ήρωα τον αστυνομικό Φάμπελ (το επίθετό του ταιριάζει πολύ στην υπόθεση...
Salad. Dentistry. Forgiveness.Until the night Small Change MacFarlane died, I had no idea just how unforgiving Glasgow could be. My education in vindictiveness was about to be completed.It was mid-heat wave hot and sticky and I had an even hotter and stickier date with Lorna MacFarlane the night ...
Anna Wolff había llevado una fotografía de Paul Scheibe a The Firestation y el camarero negro había dicho que Scheibe podía ser el segundo hombre con quien Hauser se encontraba a veces. Pero no estaba seguro. Estaba solo en su oficina cuando Markus Ullrich, el hombre de la BKA, golpeó a su puerta...
Three Days Before the First Murder: Monday, 15 August 2005. List, Island of Sylt, 200 Kilometres North-West of Hamburg It was a moment he wanted to hang on to. His senses reached out into every corner of the land, the sea and the sky around him. He ...
Frankenstein felt sick and his head pulsed with the most intense headache he had ever experienced.‘It’s okay, everything’s clear,’ said Zombie. ‘But get into the house as quickly as possible and wait for me. I’ll park the van at the back and out of sight.’Seeing him again, and in the context of t...
He tried to keep his breathing quiet and shallow so he could hear as much as possible of what transpired downstairs. It was a difficult task: Roman’s obesity squeezed each inhalation into a protracted snort through fat-compressed airways.A deep male voice resonated outside in the stairwell, one f...
I’d picked up a divorce case and was purposefully giving it my full-time attention: not that there was any real detective work involved. Divorce in Scotland was a pantomime involving staged, often fully clothed, mock-infidelities, bribed hotel staff and a mountain of statements. Scottish society ...
Twenty-four years before: Berlin-Lichtenberg, German Democratic Republic February 1984 ‘We’re talking about children here. We are talking about children here, aren’t we?’ Major Georg Drescher’s question hung in the smoke-laden air. Everyone remained silent while a young woman in a Felix Dzerzhins...
Blood Eagle Published by Arrow in 2006 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Copyright © Craig Russell 2005 Craig Russell has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of tra...
Fabel was surprised to look up and find Benni Scholz standing next to him. ‘What are you doing here?’ Fabel said, closing the dossier. ‘Oh, this is Herr Wagner of the BKA …’ Wagner stood up and shook hands with Scholz. ‘We’ve met before,’ said Schol...
3.00 p.m., Monday, 22 March: Polizeipräsidium, Hamburg The conference room of the Mordkommission would have had the look of a library reading room had it not been for the scene-of-crime photographs that were taped to the incident board, alongside the blown-up images of the notes lef...
14:10 h BOSTELBEK, HEIMFELD, SUR DE HAMBURGO El clima había empeorado. La promesa de primavera de la semana anterior, que se había extendido hasta esa misma mañana, se desvanecía en el clima sombrío y borrascoso que caía sobre el norte de Alemania. Fabel no estaba seguro del motivo —tal vez...