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Cristal Ryder books

Cristal Ryder
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Read Books by Cristal Ryder


FourfortheShow (2013)

Dare I? I widened my eyes and read it again then sucked in a deep breath as I positioned the curser over the words. Before I could change my mind, I highlighted, right-clicked, saved and pasted it into an email for Joe. Get hot and wet @desireafterdark Friday night w/#spectatorsex #sexclub #coupl...

FourfortheShow (2013) by Cristal Ryder

PlusOne (2012)

As they walked past the spanking room, Karen looked in and sucked in a breath. “What’s wrong?” Rob asked and followed her gaze. “Ah. Does that interest you?” She didn’t know what to say but the sudden liquid arousal that trickled from her now-humming pussy told her she certainly did like what she...

PlusOne (2012) by Cristal Ryder

SwitchMeUp (2012)

Upstairs he tossed some clothes lying around his bedroom into the hamper, smoothed the bed that didn’t need fixing and turned on the bedside lamp. He was about to have sex with a complete stranger. Something so totally out of character for him it made him nervous. He might be apprehensive but he ...

SwitchMeUp (2012) by Cristal Ryder

No Fantasy Required

I barely touched him as I explored the hard planes of muscle. A man’s body, all hard and angular, so different from a woman’s. Wonderfully sculpted.     I grew hot and wet in anticipation of his cock sliding deep within me. Unable to wait any longer, I reached for him. I close...

No Fantasy Required by Cristal Ryder

RockHardHeat (2012)

It wasn’t even a half ounce, but it proved to them that there was gold in them there hills. Now they had to decide what to do about it. Chet knew she wouldn’t be left behind so she had joined him when he took a few geologists up to the creek. Their private cabin had become a hub of activity for a...

RockHardHeat (2012) by Cristal Ryder

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