It wasn’t even a half ounce, but it proved to them that there was gold in them there hills. Now they had to decide what to do about it. Chet knew she wouldn’t be left behind so she had joined him when he took a few geologists up to the creek. Their private cabin had become a hub of activity for a week while they roamed about the area doing exploration and sampling. They had picked some sites that seemed likely for the origination of the deposit and were still waiting for the results from the processing plant. The last few weeks had been a whirlwind of excitement. Both of them were well aware the impact of mining and depending on the deposit type, how it could affect the land. Once they had the sampling results they could make a decision to see if extracting the gold was viable or if they should just leave it all alone. Since it was his family heritage, it was totally up to him how he wanted to proceed, but it didn’t stop Jenna from bubbling with excitement. He was pretty thrilled himself.