Pete said, after he’d stopped ranting about arrows.Boom Boy ran up behind me and slipped back into line with a can of Pow! Soda in his hand. He checked his Sidekick Super Watch of Tickiness. “Hey! Hey! Four minutes and fifty-five seconds! Just like boiling an egg!” he bragged, and took a big gulp...
Spice Girl asked as she peaked out from behind the couch.“For the last time, we’re not in Oz!” I growled. Spice Girl ran to the window. “Well, we’re not in Kansas anymore, either.”“Where are we?” Spelling Beatrice looked at me.I joined Spice Girl at the window. “I don’t think the Cloud People are...
I think this button will send us home,” Pumpkin Pete said, oblivious to the final battle which was about to take place. Pete’s long, vinelike fingers stabbed down on the lone red button that sat in the middle of the console. “That settles that!”The ship shuddered. A bright red ray blasted from th...