Pete said, after he’d stopped ranting about arrows.Boom Boy ran up behind me and slipped back into line with a can of Pow! Soda in his hand. He checked his Sidekick Super Watch of Tickiness. “Hey! Hey! Four minutes and fifty-five seconds! Just like boiling an egg!” he bragged, and took a big gulp of his Pow! Soda.Exact Change Kid’s pencil hovered over his notebook, ready to write down the all-important Rule #2.“No matter how crazy it sounds, no matter how dangerous you think it may be, always, always do what a superhero asks you to do,” Pete informed us. “Superheroes know better than you, and the life they may be trying to save just might be their own.”“But, but, what if you don’t want to?” Boom Boy asked.Pete spun around on his heel. “Who said that?” he gasped.Boom Boy raised his hand ... and pointed to Exact Change Kid. Exact Change Kid looked up from his notepad, his glasses slightly askew from the zeal with which he wrote.“Huh?” he said.Pete took a step toward Exact Change Kid.
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