The story follows Darina O'Malley, eldest daughter of the late Laird of the O'Malley Clan and Patrick MacCahan, the eldest son of the Laird of the MacCahan Clan. The O'Malley clan had been plagued for years by a curse invoked by Odette Burke, a woman scorned by Laird O'Malley, which states that n...
Oh book two, and it continues! Again the "Mind games" were rampant and fun. I have read how people complained about the language and saying words were misspelled. If you are a true romance reader and lover then you should know that is how they spoke waaayyy back then. Definitely not like they do...
It was littered with soldiers, hundreds of thousands of soldiers, troops visible in every direction and their numbers stretched for miles upon rolling miles. It was an marvelous sight. They silently trained, in formation, in synchronicity and they were impressive. The sound of it was akin to wha...