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Desiree Holt books

Desiree Holt

Read Books by Desiree Holt


Emerald Green (2008)

The last thing Meredith is looking for is a man as she tries to recover from finding her fiance in bed with two bridesmaids. Yet once she puts on the emerald necklace given to her by the sexy stranger, she finds herself having some of the best damned sex ever.Can I just say I adore anything by De...

Emerald Green (2008) by Desiree Holt

Hot Moon Rising (2009)

In 1941, when the novelist and screenwriter Curt Siodmak wrote the screenplay for a new horror film, nobody would ever imagine its impact on the world seventy years on. Everyone is familiar with his creation; the Wolfman. This story explores his original concept and replaces the horror with liber...

Hot Moon Rising (2009) by Desiree Holt

Coyote Heat (2012)

I was given this book from Manic Readers in exchange for an honest review.Full review will be on Storm Goddesses Reviews..I will say that this is not my first Desiree Holt book and it certainly won't be the last. I love her writing, my biggest complaint is most of the stories that I have read are...

Coyote Heat (2012) by Desiree Holt

Stark Naked (2011)

This is a fun story as well as a romantic one. Matt is brash, glib, and won’t take “no” for an answer, which is just as well, as Reenie is one lady who’s been hurt and determined not to be that way again. Reenie is smart and mouthy and her mental asides and reactions to his behavior are part of...

Stark Naked (2011) by Desiree Holt

Ride A Cowboy (Cowboy Kink) (2013)

This book contains two stories: Back in the Saddle and Eight Second Ride.I love Molly and Chance in Back in the Saddle. It’s a story of two people with some age difference so even though they crushed and lusted after each other years ago, it just couldn’t have happened. Now Molly comes back home ...

Ride A Cowboy (Cowboy Kink) (2013) by Desiree Holt

Killian (2015)

To say Killian Walker was shocked when he discovered that not only was his father not married to his mother, but he had three half-brothers in the same situation. Facing each other for the first time at the reading of Dusty Walker’s will, the atmosphere could best be described as hostile. The ter...

Killian (2015) by Desiree Holt

Until Twilight (2011)

Originally posted at: won't likely find a more arousing union of two such intense, high voltage personalities than you will in, Until Twilight. An emotional, scorching-hot affair erupts immediately between this pair of Type A, action-oriented people in ...

Until  Twilight (2011) by Desiree Holt

Animal Instinct (2010)

A White Wolf Raced Across The Acreage But She Was Spotted And Hit By Gunfire That Only Wounded Her. She Was Shot And At The Mercy Of Humans Riding On Horses! John, Her Brother Had Gone Missing For Two Days And She Had Searched The Ranches But Could Not Find The Rumored Illegal Game Preserve That ...

Animal Instinct (2010) by Desiree Holt

Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Maddie (Kindle Worlds Novella) (An Omega Team Crossover Book 4)

It was hard not to constantly be looking in her rear view and side mirrors. She had to keep reassuring herself Hawkeye was practically kissing her bumper with his and no one would be able to do…whatever with him on her tail. She had never considered herself a nervous person. Even when she’d been ...

Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Protecting Maddie (Kindle Worlds Novella) (An Omega Team Crossover Book 4) by Desiree Holt

I Dare You

The new junior partner at her law firm was turning out to be the bitch of the world, starting the week by copping a case Shannon had been babysitting for weeks. Then her secretary had quit without notice and thank you so much for that touch of professionalism. Tonight she’d come out of the office...

I Dare You by Desiree Holt

Unconditional Surrender (2012)

She tried to read their expressions but they gave away nothing. The trial had been long and arduous, one that required hours and hours of preparation. She’d had to put her personal life on hold, a move that had regretfully prevented her from any more sessions with Sir at The Edge. After the...

Unconditional Surrender (2012) by Desiree Holt

Double Down

She hoped one of her favorite submissives would be there. She’d been so antsy since the Colby picnic; she needed something to work off her excess sexual energy. Entering the building that housed the club, she nodded to the tuxedoed bouncer at the door, smiled, and then headed for the changing roo...

Double Down by Desiree Holt

Dark Desires

That was the only word Jax Schroyer could think of to describe her. The minute he’d laid eyes on Risa Channing he knew he was in trouble. Based on her request, he’d expected a sub with a hard edge, submissive yet always wanting more. Edgier.     He couldn’t have been more off ...

Dark Desires by Desiree Holt


With nothing but the faint silver light spilling through the windows Skyler looked liked a warrior of old. With his wide chest, thick, strong thighs and muscled arms she was sure she could look at him and touch him forever. He’d come into her life so suddenly, filling an aching void she hadn’t be...

Scorched by Desiree Holt


All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printi...

Mated by Desiree Holt

Naked Desire: Naked Cowboys, Book 5 (2014)

Amy said, eyes sparkling. “Fine time you picked to drop off the face of the earth.”     It was Monday morning and they were all gathered in Georgie’s kitchen. The B&B was empty, the last of the weekend guests gone and there’d be a respite of two days before the next ones a...

Naked Desire: Naked Cowboys, Book 5 (2014) by Desiree Holt

02 Buck Naked

It was decked out with every type of paraphernalia and decoration that related to ranching. In back of the podium hung the enormous banner that said Cattleman’s Association in flowing script. Although every male was in formal attire, most of the tuxedos were western cut, and a lot of the ties wer...

02 Buck Naked by Desiree Holt

Lock and Load (2013)

She managed to make scrambled eggs and toast without dropping everything on the floor, but gave thanks for her Keurig, which meant making coffee required little more than pressing a button. Then she dropped into the chair opposite Beau and let out a sigh. She had no protocol for this, the morning...

Lock and Load (2013) by Desiree Holt

Teaching Molly

Her ankles were tied to the low posts at each corner of the foot and pillows beneath her buttocks elevated her pussy. When they’d arrived at Nick’s home, she’d been stunned to realize it was not even ten o’clock. So much had happened, had assaulted her senses and her brain, that she was sure it m...

Teaching Molly by Desiree Holt


The company they’d ordered it from had asked a lot of questions, like why they needed one so big, but Hunter had just smiled at them and placed the order. So now the three of them were enjoying a warm bath after a strenuous evening of play. Hunter was behind her, holding her back to his front, wh...

9781631054303ThreeofaKindHolt by Desiree Holt

Animal Instincts

Thank god she was in wolf form, not human, but that brought other problems. She thought she’d scoped out the new territory thoroughly enough, but then she’d run into some other creatures when she was in wolf form who told her a horror story that made her blood freeze. Trapped and captured, they t...

Animal Instincts by Desiree Holt

Jungle Inferno

Faith always experienced warm satisfaction when readers flocked to her with great enthusiasm, discussing her characters as if they were personal friends. The journey from thought process to paper to the reader’s mind was often a convoluted one and she took great pleasure in knowing the end produc...

Jungle Inferno by Desiree Holt

Afternoon Delight

Deke took a thin cotton towel lying on the counter beside the sink, tied Savannah's wrists together and fastened them to the overhead showerhead above the bench. He lifted one of her legs over his shoulder and turned sideways, fully exposing every inch of her pussy. "Now," he said to Lori. "I've ...

Afternoon Delight by Desiree Holt


Wilder leaned back in her desk chair and raked her fingers through her hair. Her stomach felt as if a chorus line of butterflies were doing a hot jive in there. She’d waited all day for just the right moment to bring this up and she wanted his full attention.“Reulas.”Her boss was still engrossed ...

9781631055027DealersChoiceHoltNC by Desiree Holt

Joy Ride (2011)

He couldn’t believe she’d actually left, his Music Lady. Just…put on her clothes, got in her car, and drove away. One minute they were asleep, exhausted by the most incredibly fulfilling sex. The next, she was tiptoeing around his room, gathering her clothes, and trying to sneak away....

Joy Ride (2011) by Desiree Holt

Bare Naked: Naked Cowboys, Book 4 (2014)

You’re not eighteen anymore. Get your damn hormones under control. But it was certainly hard whenever she caught a glimpse of Cade working outside. Despite the spring chill in the air, he certainly worked up a sweat with the hard labor he was doing. And watching him distracted her more than...

Bare Naked: Naked Cowboys, Book 4 (2014) by Desiree Holt

Line of Scrimmage

That’s all it took to put wide receiver Jake Russell in a cast for the rest of the NFL season. From being a high school all-star to getting drafted by the Austin Mustangs, football has been Jake’s life for as long as he can remember. It’s what defines him—because he has a secret he never shares. ...

Line of Scrimmage by Desiree Holt

Venus Moon

From the moment she met Charlie Aquino, she felt a magnetic pull that she’d fought and resisted. She knew enough about the disastrous mating of human and wolf. Even though Alexa had found happiness with Jesse, Liana’s first human relationship had nearly destroyed her.But just being near Charlie, ...

Venus Moon by Desiree Holt

BeyondAddiction (2014)

Just as she’d known in her heart that said relationship had been flawed from the beginning. Her attachment to him was a sickness, an addiction, and she hadn’t had the strength to cure herself. If not for Claire, she might still be trapped in a situation she was unwilling to change. The confrontat...

BeyondAddiction (2014) by Desiree Holt

Pass Interference

She wanted nothing more than to get to her room and clear her brain. So he wanted to insist what they had was just sex? Screw him. She knew the difference and the difference had been there last night. Tonight she was going to remind him of that, with words and actions. First, she had to get her t...

Pass Interference by Desiree Holt

Dare To Love Series: Daring to Chance It (Kindle Worlds Novella)

The party was definitely over. They’d gone off and left her, all six of them. She guessed that was what happened when you were the odd woman out. How stupid of her not to realize the others would couple up. Had she missed out because she held herself aloof from that?     She’d...

Dare To Love Series: Daring to Chance It (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Desiree Holt

SavageLust (2015)

Logan asked. He leaned against the counter in the kitchen and took a healthy swallow of his first mug of coffee of the day. Sophia, his almost-sister-in-law, was sitting at the table with her own coffee. It was early in the morning and at the moment, they were the only two moving around. Ric woul...

SavageLust (2015) by Desiree Holt

Trouble at the Treble T

Actually, fucked up is more like it. Jack Manning leaned against the bar, sipping his drink and indulging in his own private pity party. Friday night and all around him in Eli’s, their favourite bar, his friends were celebrating his fortieth birthday. A death knell that had crept up on his rapidl...

Trouble at the Treble T by Desiree Holt

Naked Heat: Naked Cowboys, Book 7 (2015)

He tilted his head back to take a long drink of water then capped the bottle and looked around at his handiwork. Not too bad, he thought, if he did say so himself. He’d been at his new digs for a week, spending his days at hard labor and his nights on his state-of-the-art computer chasing every t...

Naked Heat: Naked Cowboys, Book 7 (2015) by Desiree Holt

On the Prowl

He leaned against the wall at The Litter Box, not far from the end of the long bar, hands in his pockets jingling coins—a habit he’d long used to calm his nerves, but tonight it wasn’t working. In the past ten days, there had been two more vicious attacks. Two more women raped and clawed to death...

On the Prowl by Desiree Holt


His gaze fastened on her bra and the hard nipples poking against the satin fabric. Without a word he lowered his head and closed his mouth around one of them, biting gently before tugging it into his mouth. She moaned as heat streaked through her right to her cunt. Her panties were so wet she cou...

9781618856173FiredUpHolt by Desiree Holt


Kelly Monroe finished checking the air pressure on her truck tires and called out to her grandfather standing by the hangar. The vacation in Key West had been great and the visit here in Maryland with her grandfather even better. But now it was time to get home and back to work. Maine was still m...

DeliciousDanger by Desiree Holt

Ride a Cowboy

That meant deciding what to wear had her mind twisted into a knot. She didn’t want to go casual, but too dressy and he might get the wrong idea. And what if he decided to take her someplace else, like Highpoint or Crater Lake, where the restaurants were a little more high class? She didn’t want t...

Ride a Cowboy by Desiree Holt

Ride The Mustang (SEALs Going Hot)

Call adjusted the straps on his parachute and leaned back against the wall of the helicopter cabin. Inside the Sikorsky UH-60 chopper, the other members of his team were doing the same thing. Although the cabin could hold eleven there were only four of them, all that were needed for this mission....

Ride The Mustang (SEALs Going Hot) by Desiree Holt

Back in the Saddle

Years ago she’d been too young, but time had shrunk the age difference between them to insignificance. He’d often wondered if his marriage might have worked differently if he hadn’t tried to marry a substitute. But then of course there was Lori’s reaction to the sex, to the things that turned him...

Back in the Saddle by Desiree Holt

Brit Party

Okay, perhaps it wasn't resentment. It was more frustration than anything else.Since her research scientist position in the United States had been eliminated, she'd been dancing on a taut wire—taking the same job within a different branch of the company, transferring to a new country, leaving beh...

Brit Party by Desiree Holt

Naked Flame

He couldn’t believe his luck. Less than a week ago, he’d been resigned to a life of single cursedness—the extreme opposite of blessedness—wrapped in his nightmarish memories of war and stuck with an inability to relate to people anymore except on a remote level. He made a good bar owner but a ter...

Naked Flame by Desiree Holt

Nailed (2012)

He’d given up a precious night with Flame to keep peace in the family and he was already regretting it. He only got to see her on the weekends, just enough to leave him hungry for more. Now he’d had to cancel one of those and he wasn’t too happy about it. He let his eyes roam over the crowd in th...

Nailed (2012) by Desiree Holt

Night Moves

“Aren’t you the early bird?” Luke grinned. “I know you didn’t sleep here last night.” He dropped into one of the client chairs. “By the way, just out of curiosity, where did you sleep?” “None of your business,” Brian snapped. The urge to shift had been exceptionally powerful this morning, fuelled...

Night Moves by Desiree Holt

Trouble in Cowboy Boots

Amelia Jacobs’s words were chiding but her tone was soft and gentle. “Too much mixing and the biscuits come out like skeet targets.” Emily blew a strand of hair out of her eyes. Despite the big apron doubled over and wrapped around her, she was covered with a fine layer of flour. Her hair was esc...

Trouble in Cowboy Boots by Desiree Holt

Until the Dawn

Maddie, standing behind him, laughed softly. People usually stared the first time they saw Nikki Welles. At least five ten, her body was encased in a black leather jacket and pants that showed off her lean strength. Straight black hair was pulled into a ponytail that hung down her back and her fa...

Until the Dawn by Desiree Holt

All Jacked Up

He swatted at whoever it was, wishing they’d leave him alone to finish his nap. “Come on,” a musical voice said. “I can’t carry your drunken ass into the house myself. You gotta give me some help here.” Help? Whose voice was that? And what was jingling in his ear? Jack forced his eyes open and lo...

All Jacked Up by Desiree Holt

Training Amber

Amber announced to Molly the next morning when Rio brought her home. It had been well after ten by the time she’d finally made it out of bed, pleasantly exhausted from another night of intense lovemaking with Rio. The man certainly had an inventive mind. Already he was teaching her things that br...

Training Amber by Desiree Holt

Hard Lovin'

The area was so small a second person would be hard pressed to find room in the space but that suited her just fine. She hadn’t come here looking for company. Unless it was the cowboy up on the postage-stamp-sized stage, alone in the spotlight with his guitar and his smoky voice. Ebony black hair...

Hard Lovin' by Desiree Holt

Wolf Moon

She’d been edgy and nervous all day, knowing what she planned to do and hoping she wasn’t making a huge mistake. Yet, doing nothing, when she knew he was in danger, wasn’t an option, either.Fifteen minutes before she knew he’d be leaving, she’d allowed herself to change, using the shrubbery to co...

Wolf Moon by Desiree Holt


She was far enough from Dallas that the atmosphere wasn’t permeated with fumes from the big city. Now as she rolled down the Interstate into ranching country she could smell cattle and hay and horses.  She was more than glad to finally be out of the rundown motel where she’d been hiding for a wee...

9781631055874TexasHoldEmHoltNC by Desiree Holt

Lexie and Killian

Walker Mineral Company’s small conference room with his brothers and their attorney, Stanley Benner, Esquire. It was the start of the week they were all to spend together here in Red Creek, Kansas, and so far they’d just been sitting there jawing on about every little detail of the company. Who t...

Lexie and Killian by Desiree Holt


Josh immersed himself in the main library and spent hours on the Internet trolling for information on the Old West and things that could be combined with modern architecture in a practical manner. He filled page after page with preliminary sketches, throwing many of them out, starting over, somet...

Hammered by Desiree Holt

Cajun Spice

The one obviously in charge came forward with his hand outstretched.     “Larry Choate. Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the New York FBI field office.”     Daisy glared at him, ignoring his hand. “Marc’s boss,” she guessed, her voice laced with venom. ...

Cajun Spice by Desiree Holt

Pretty Kitty

All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printi...

Pretty Kitty by Desiree Holt


he told her, nipping at the lobe of her ear. “But I guess I’ll have to settle for what I can get. And that pussy of yours feels so soft and wet.” His fingers spread the lips of her cunt then ran the length of her slit. “Unzip my fly,” he told her in a low voice. “Take out my cock. Do it now.” It ...

Interlude by Desiree Holt

Quarterback Sneak

Stacy Halligan slouched in a corner of her couch, feet propped up on the coffee table. A half-finished glass of wine—her third—rested on the side table by her hand. Somehow, the smooth flavor of the merlot hadn’t eased the sharp edge of pain she rode. Instead, it tasted more like vinegar. “I assu...

Quarterback Sneak by Desiree Holt

Playing with Fire

She sat staring at the house.     “I’m not even sure I want to deal with this now.” She was tired, depressed, dreading what they’d find, and angry at the violation of her privacy.     “Tell you what.” Griff opened his door. “Let me go take a quick look and ...

Playing with Fire by Desiree Holt

Hell Yeah!: Man of My Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Omega Team Book 5)

He still couldn’t figure out how this happened so fast. Or how it even happened at all. One minute, he was happily miserable in his self-imposed isolation. He’d even learned to live without sex except for the occasional connection with his hand. The next, Aron McCoy had turned his life upside dow...

Hell Yeah!: Man of My Heart (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Omega Team Book 5) by Desiree Holt

Soul Dreams (2012)

As Nina started the coffeepot and plated some of the fresh cookies she’d baked, she couldn’t seem to get Blake Massie out of her mind. After the night she’d sent him the first message on a whim, they’d “talked” nightly. Now two weeks had passed, weeks in which ...

Soul Dreams (2012) by Desiree Holt

Bang The Drummer

She’s got her work cut out for her on both accounts, and she doesn’t know whether to kick Wade into next week or jump his bones. Wade hates the ranch almost as much as he hated his father, and the only reason he’s home is to bury one and sell the other. But the old man’s will puts a hitch in Wade...

Bang The Drummer by Desiree Holt

Until Midnight

Nestled into the rugged hills of central Texas, the main building consisted of fourteen thousand square feet resembling a modern ranch house. Few could tell, from the road or the air, that inside were housed the most efficient state-of-the-art communications systems and the finest experts to run ...

Until Midnight by Desiree Holt


Katherine “Kat” Culhane settled herself in the comfortable chair at the head of the table, so large it nearly swallowed her petite form but exactly what she needed to relax her body. She looked at the man seated to her left and nervously she wet her lips. “I have to tell you again, when I’m at my...

F-Stop by Desiree Holt


Killian walked to a corner where he made a series of calls in a very quiet voice, to Gabe’s obvious irritation. She’d barely gotten her wits together after fleeing from her house and ending up someplace in the woods, before a helicopter landed in the side yard and Killian was giving orders. What ...

title by Desiree Holt


All characters, places and events are from the author's imagination and should not be confused 4 Intermission by Desiree Holt with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any m...

Intermission by Desiree Holt

Until Noon

Until Noon Document Outline Until Noon Until Noon Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight About Desiree Holt About Cerise DeLand Tell Us What You Think Also by Desiree Holt & Cerise DeLand Nemesis...

Until Noon by Desiree Holt

Lassoed By A Dom

Jake stood with one foot on the running board of Trish’s Ford F-150, watching as she loaded the last of her gear into the back seat. This morning, he programmed her cell number into his phone and his into hers. Then he followed her to the rodeo grounds and insisted on helping her get Misty out of...

Lassoed By A Dom by Desiree Holt


At the moment she was so weak and spent she almost didn’t care. Almost. She leaned into Tanner’s chest as he carried her out of the performance area. He stopped for a moment then moved forward again.  She heard the soft click of a door opening and closing. In another moment he deposited her on a ...

9781631052835CuttheCardsHolt by Desiree Holt


Red, white, and blue bunting celebrating the Fourth of July hung in every available spot, and American flags waved side-by-side with Texas Lone Star state flags. Between events, the loudspeaker blared patriotic songs from the Marine Band’s version of the national anthem to Lee Greenwood’s “God Bl...

Firecracker by Desiree Holt

Collision Course

Grateful for it, Trey used the opportunity to organize his thoughts. He had to tell everything to Casey in a way she’d believe. Not figure him for a crazy person. Or worse yet, think him involved in the whole thing and haul his ass to the sheriff. As he always did when he pulled into the motel pa...

Collision Course by Desiree Holt

Controlled Burn

I don’t know if “always” is the word but certainly for all the years I can remember. I was a voracious reader, as were my mother and sister, and books held a royal place in our home. The funny thing is, I always thought I would write mysteries because that’s what we all read. I didn’t read my fir...

Controlled Burn by Desiree Holt


Blackwell was having a problem keeping his shit together. The plan had been simple. Pop into San Antonio for a few days on business, hook up with his old friend Tanner Sloat, score a guest pass at whatever club Tanner now belonged to, and spend a couple of nights satisfying his urges as a Dom. Al...

9781631053580BlackjackHolt by Desiree Holt


They couldn’t hold these bastards off much longer. Dante “Dan” Romeo wiped his forehead on the sleeve of his camo shirt and slammed another magazine into his rifle. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to turn out, although they always had to prepare for it. A sign over his desk back in Baltimore ...

Extrasensory by Desiree Holt

Out Of Control

20" } @font-face { font-family: "Niagara Engraved" } @font-face { font-family: "Niagara Solid" } @font-face { font-family: "Old English Text MT" } @font-face { font-family: Onyx } @font-face { font-family: Parchment } @font-face { font-family: Playbill } @font-face { font-family: "Poor Richard" }...

Out Of Control by Desiree Holt

Silent Hunters

All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.   All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by prin...

Silent Hunters by Desiree Holt

Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8 (2015)

Sable swallowed a bite of steak and chased it with a sip of her ice water. This was definitely the best steak she’d eaten in a long time. Maybe ever. Of course, the environment, the setup and the very sexy man across from her might have a lot to do with it.     They were seate...

Naked Hunger: Naked Cowboys, Book 8 (2015) by Desiree Holt

Tweet Me (2016)

All the guests had arrived and were being served their choice of wine. The hors d’oeuvres table was a thing of beauty but no less than she expected. The Promenade had a first rate chef. The decorations, the favors, all the other items on the list were under control. The musicians had just arrived...

Tweet Me (2016) by Desiree Holt

Lone Star Burn: Taken by Surprise (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Jessie Coford stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and asked herself that question for perhaps the hundredth time. Had she pissed off the gods of fate? Was Mercury in retrograde? Had she fallen into an alternate universe? All in all, as far as she was concerned, life was a bitch. Today...

Lone Star Burn: Taken by Surprise (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Desiree Holt

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