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Edward Lee books

Edward Lee
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Read Books by Edward Lee


Brides of the Impaler (2008)

This is the worst of all the Lee novels I have read. But even then it is still a fun read. Christina has just moved into a huge house with her current boyfriend and weird stuff is happening. The novel is full of Lee's normal gore and moments of graphic sex. But it isn't as well written as the oth...

Brides of the Impaler (2008) by Edward Lee

Brain Cheese Buffet (2010)

“Brain Cheese Buffet” is my 2nd Ed Lee book in as many days and although I was able to finish this one in only a few short hours, I’m still unimpressed with Lee as an author.I didn’t like “The Bighead” due to it’s over exploited shock value, but I did give credit to Lee for being able to craft a ...

Brain Cheese Buffet (2010) by Edward Lee

Header (1995)

3.5 stars.Wow--I actually had some idea of what a "header" was from another book that I had read by Lee, so I did have some idea what I was getting into here. Full of everything you would expect from Ed Lee--over the top gore, sexual depravity, and backwoods humor (yes, I admit to laughing at se...

Header (1995) by Edward Lee

The Backwoods (2005)

Quite simply the worst novel I've ever read.I quit reading it in the last quarter of the book and just looked up the ending online. I'm glad I didn't finish it. I love horror novels and even intense horror novels. This was not a horror novel. The supernatural elements were nearly no existent and ...

The Backwoods (2005) by Edward Lee

Incubi (2011)

WAS IT A SEX-KILLER? OR SOMETHING WORSE? RITUAL FOR LOVE He promises them his love, then kills without mercy. Each seduction ends in death--each victim, murdered in bed. Detective Jack Cordesman has vowed to unravel the demented mystery, to enter the heart of a maniac's temptation...where desire ...

Incubi (2011) by Edward Lee

City Infernal (2002)

Hell is a city. Forget the old-fashioned sulphurous pit you may have read about. Over the millennia, Hell has evolved into a bustling metropolis with looming skyscrapers, crowded streets, systemized evil, and atrocity as the status quo.Cassie thought she knew all about Hell. But when her twin sis...

City Infernal (2002) by Edward Lee

Infernal Angel (2004)

The city of Hell. That's what Hell is now, an endless metropolis bristling with black skyscrapers, raging in eternal horror. The moon is black and the sky is blood red. Screams rip down the streets and through alleys. The people trudge down sidewalks on their way to work or to stores, just like i...

Infernal Angel (2004) by Edward Lee

Flesh Gothic (2005)

House of Passion Hildreth House. On a moonlight night in early spring, twenty-seven people entered the mansion's labyrinthine halls, to partake in an orgy of diabolical debauchery, the likes of which beggared description. And one by one, twenty-six of them were butchered in place. The twenty-seve...

Flesh Gothic (2005) by Edward Lee

The Bighead (Author's Preferred Version) (1999)

**********SPOILER*****************This is one gross book full of sick and cruel acts. Edward Lee’s terrific writing style kept me going to the end of the book. This is basically 315 pages of redneck jokes contained in a hardback book. At first, I was wondering whether it has any philosophical ...

The Bighead (Author's Preferred Version) (1999) by Edward Lee

Slither (2006)

When Nora and her research team arrived on the deserted tropical island, she was expecting a routine zoological expedition, but it didn't take long to realise they're not alone. Now members of her own team are disappearing, and when they return, they've changed.

Slither (2006) by Edward Lee

Teratologist (2007)

Krank - Gestörter - Edward Lee. Wer schon einmal etwas von diesem Meister der Abartigkeit gelesen hat, der weiß, auf was er sich einzustellen hat, wenn er über die Schwelle in Lee's Wahnreich tritt. Von Wrath James White habe ich bisher noch nichts gelesen, leider lässt sich auch schwer sagen, we...

Teratologist (2007) by Edward Lee

House Infernal (2007)

A CITY, BUILT WITH BLOOD AND BONES... Three things are about to join a crypt in Hell with a house on Earth... Nuns molested and drained of blood. A virginal student seduced by the perverse and taunted by things worse than ghosts. And six Angels, imprisoned in Hell and made pregnant by God knows w...

House Infernal (2007) by Edward Lee

Bullet Through Your Face (improved format)

REPORT TO THE FOLLOWING PROXIMITY — — OLD HARLEY ROAD, LUNTVILLE, VA, 191 NE, 2004 E — — NSA GRID-MAP/CLOSEST PLOTTED PROBABLE LOCATION — —VFW POST 3063 — DECRYPT AND DELETE END MILNET MESSAGE “The hail is this ballyhoo?” Hays asked himself as he stared at the screen. So engrossed he was that he ...

Bullet Through Your Face (improved format) by Edward Lee

Vampire Lodge

And not even a bed in her own bedroom. And that could only mean one thing. She doesn’t have a bed. She doesn’t need one, because she’s a vampire. Vampire’s don’t sleep in beds, they never do. They sleep in coffins… Which supported what he had suspected all along. Aunt Carolyn really is a vampire....

Vampire Lodge by Edward Lee

Pages Torn From a Travel Journal

A smile in my eye, I spied the dilapidated wooden sign mounted on the ramshackle building: NATE’S GAS & REPAIRS. Finally . . . Fatigue & a more than understandable shock had hindered my ordinarily brisk pace of walking. The chirping frolic of birds seemed to greet me as I approached the d...

Pages Torn From a Travel Journal by Edward Lee

The Teratologist

Barnett Fat Cat Graphic Design   a Necro Publication 5139 Maxon Terrace • Sanford, FL 32771     This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would li...

The Teratologist by Edward Lee

The Stickmen

She knew it was Harlan, of course, the walking catastrophe, the living human lightning rod for all things gone afoul. She also knew that the world wasn’t fair quite a bit of the time, and maybe—just maybe—Harlan had spend a little more time at the bad end of the stick than was reasonable. And thi...

The Stickmen by Edward Lee

Grimoire Diabolique

“I can’t believe you invited that weirdo into our house,” Beth bellyached.“I didn’t hear you complaining,” Rudy refuted.“Well, you do now. He’s…scary.”“You don’t believe all that mumbo-jumbo, do you? It’s just a bunch of schizo crap be made up.”“It’s not made up, Rudy. I majored in ancient histor...

Grimoire Diabolique by Edward Lee

Monster Lake

Fireflies hover over the water, reflecting swarms of green-glowing dots. Bullfrogs and toads hop about at the water’s edge; salamanders climb sluggishly over rocks. And the moon hangs low over the trees… The night is teeming with sounds. Crickets and peepers pipe their throbbing chorus. Nightbird...

Monster Lake by Edward Lee

The Messenger (2011 reformat)

Try to spread it as evenly as you can, honey," she said. "You don't want too much in one place and not enough someplace else." "I know, Mom." When he was done, Jennifer grated a lump of fresh mozzarella over the pizza. While she did this, Kevin's eyes lost their luster and he wandered to the tabl...

The Messenger (2011 reformat) by Edward Lee

Witch Water

“Stay away, Winkly!” came a woman’s voice annoying as nails on slate. “It’s a dirty bum! He’s probably got lice and diseases that would be bad for a good little doggie like you!” A slingshot-like reflex shot Fanshawe bolt upright on the path and pried his eyes open. Moving shapes formed in the bl...

Witch Water by Edward Lee

Trolley No. 1852

1852 @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } TROLLEY No. 1852   by Edward Lee       Smashwords Edition       Necro Publications 2012     — | — | —     TROLLEY NO. 1852 © 2010 by Edward Lee This digital edition © 2012 Necro Publications   ISBN: 9781452454993   Cover, Book Desi...

Trolley No. 1852 by Edward Lee

Lucifer's Lottery (2010)

Gerold muttered when he wheeled up to Worden’s Hardware Store. He’d always liked the place because it reminded him of days past—days when recessions weren’t strangling the economy and changing the way people shopped. Now everything was malls, Internet shopping, and Home Depots the size of naval v...

Lucifer's Lottery (2010) by Edward Lee

The Innswich Horror

Barnett Fat Cat Graphic Design   a Necro Publication 5139 Maxon Terrace • Sanford, FL 32771   — | — | —   This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If yo...

The Innswich Horror by Edward Lee

Flesh Gothic by Edward Lee

The only person he felt close to would be Karen, but even she, now, seemed different. Less animated, low-key, bereft of the sharp sarcasm she'd been radiating since they met. And since her incident at the inner court, that overt sexual aura of hers was enfeebled, replaced by a caul. She didn't ev...

Flesh Gothic by Edward Lee by Edward Lee


Poor tips, terrible, infantile music, or lights that flashed hot and mad and drove lancets of pain through your head. But she supposed it was the heart of the place more than anything else. She was only a waitress, but that did not justify that she worked in a strip joint. The night groaned on, w...

Ghouls by Edward Lee

Mangled Meat

I did a couple of days ago, first time in my life, but, see, at the time I wasn’t wearing just pants, I was wearing a pair of sealed Class III EUDs. That’s plat-talk for environmental utility dress—a spacesuit, to creamcake earth-loving non-hackers like you.The recovery platoon brought it in at a...

Mangled Meat by Edward Lee

The Dunwich Romance

My grandsire tell me he get this from his grandsire, so’s ye can bet it’s old. Old-time medicine’s better’n new.”The pain, indeed, dissipated immediately. “It’s workin’, all right—thanks!” Sary said.Wilbur applied some tape to hold the poultice in place, and promised, “Ye’ll be fine in a jiffy. I...

The Dunwich Romance by Edward Lee

House Infernal by Edward Lee

Barlow," the tall woman said, looking down. She spoke in a quiet yet firm tone."It's nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Newlwyn," Venetia said, momentarily taken aback by the woman's height, which was close to six feet. "And please, call me Venetia.""Mrs. Newlwyn is the priory's new official housekeeper...

House Infernal by Edward Lee by Edward Lee

The Bighead

Charity and Jerrica briskly fanned her face, with straw fans from the highboy. Alexander elevated her feet. “I better radio fer an ambulance,” Sergeant Mullins said. “Wait, I—” Alexander leaned over, peering down and holding the elder woman’s hand. It felt cool, fragile. “She’s coming too.” In ti...

The Bighead by Edward Lee

The Black Train

Shiiiiiiiiit, he thought. Bad judgment was one thing, but now he was truly beginning to suspect he might be a serious alcoholic. I got trashed in a gay bar, he remembered. And I have a date tonight… The shower shocked him awake. He was still half drunk and half hungover when he struggled into his...

The Black Train by Edward Lee

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