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Read Teratologist (2007)

Teratologist (2007)

Online Book

3.68 of 5 Votes: 1
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1892950820 (ISBN13: 9781892950826)
overlook connection press

Teratologist (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

Krank - Gestörter - Edward Lee. Wer schon einmal etwas von diesem Meister der Abartigkeit gelesen hat, der weiß, auf was er sich einzustellen hat, wenn er über die Schwelle in Lee's Wahnreich tritt. Von Wrath James White habe ich bisher noch nichts gelesen, leider lässt sich auch schwer sagen, wer von den beiden in diesem Buch den Großteil der Abartigkeiten beigesteuert hat, aber als Duo funktionieren die beiden Herren sehr gut.Aber der Reihe nach. Die Handlung ist schnell zusammengefasst, denn wie so oft, geht es doch in Lee's Geschichten mehr um die Abartigkeiten, als um die Rahmenhandlung. Journalisten treffen auf kauzigen Milliardär zuhause und erleben einen wahren Höllentrip. Wer neugierig ist und vor dem Lesen mal das Wort "Teratologie" googelt, der bekommt schon einen leichten Vorgeschmack auf das, was ihn dann im Buch erwartet. Wie gewohnt sparen Lee und White nicht mit Obszönitäten, jeder Menge Sex, Gewalt und einigen wirklich unglaublich abartigen Dingen. Wer den Prolog "überlebt", der hat wirklich einen robusten Magen - oder ist Edward Lee gewöhnt.Die Spannung lässt leider zu wünschen übrig. Das liegt vielleicht auch daran, dass das Buch mit gut 100 Seiten sehr kurz geraten ist und gerade, als es wirklich interessant und auch ein bisschen übernatürlich wird, ist es es auch schon vorbei. Die vorangegangenen Seiten haben wir bis dahin mit jeder Menge abartigen Sex zugebracht. Außerdem wird die Kirche und der Glauben an sich rabiat in die Mangel genommen, wer also religiös ist, sollte wohl lieber die Finger von diesem Buch lassen (was er wohl sowieso tun wird).Eigentlich lese ich Lee und Konsorten ab und zu ganz gerne, dauerhaft möchte ich das nicht haben, aber mal so eine kleine Abartigkeit für Zwischendurch ist ganz nett. Leider fehlt in diesem Werk die Spannung komplett. Der Showdown ist viel zu kurz und der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Beschreibungen der ekelhaften Dinge. Das hat mich dann doch ein wenig genervt, obwohl ich das Buch andererseits nicht weglegen konnte, wahrscheinlich ist das die unerklärliche Lust am Ekeln, man findet es abartig, kann aber nicht wegschauen.Leider nur Mittelmaß, da eine Story mit rotem Faden eigentlich weitgehend fehlt und der Schwerpunkt nur auf Obszönitäten liegt. Allerdings für Hardcore - Hardcore - Fans sicherlich wiedermal ein Genuss. ;o)

This is one of the most disturbing books that I have ever read in terms of grotesque excess. Edward Lee is known for his in-depth experiments as to how far he can push the reader's gag reflex before they have to put the book down whilst lacing his stories with a humour that is pure Tobe Hooper. Wrath James White also excels in his explorations of sex and violence and how much of these we can take in one sitting but he is much more serious and less gregarious than Lee in tone as well as often mixing horrors political and social into the mayhem to make us think and then reflect.The Teratologist is perfect in that it finds both writers bringing their strengths to the material and making them balance off exactly so the 'monstrousities' on display here are shown to be very human whilst the horrifying sexual acts performed on them are the true monstrousity. This short novel is about how tragic and awful it is to be born human into this world and how rare it is to find cause for hope but that hope may still be found if we dig deeply through the ruins. The prose is elegant and truly beautiful in places which makes the contrast with the graphic scenes it is describing all the more unsettling. Easily one of the best pieces of work I have read by Lee and White - may they collaborate again soon!

What do You think about Teratologist (2007)?

I gave this book one-star based on the fact that it is by far one of the most disgusting, sickening, grossest, ookiest, gag-reflex inducing books I have ever had the displeasure of reading...and yet I read it until the last page! *lol Seriously, the story is engaging enough but I had to literally fight to keep from spilling my stomach contents and that is with an empty stomach. Basically, the novel involves the most perverse sexual acts imaginable being committed by, to, and between the most grieviously deformed "people" imaginable due to the mad ravings of some psycho millionaire and his obsession to "see God" (or something like that) - SICK, SICK, SICK!!!I read it once and the minute I was finished I got it as far away from me as possible. Again, it is not a bad book per se - good enough storyline. But so over the top with the YUCK and EEEWWW that I couldn't really enjoy it.The cover art doesn't help. *blank stare
—Not Now...Mommy's Reading

As a long time horror fan I have pretty much read it all, and as a long time Edward Lee fan nothing really shocks me anymore. I started sneaking my mother's horror paperbacks to school when I was 11 years old, which means I have now read over 30 years worth of horror novels (gasp!)In all those years, and all those novels, this is the only book that ever made me gag. And I do mean, I literally gagged, and thought for a moment I was actually going to toss my cookies. If that was the reaction Lee was going for, well kudos to you Mr. Lee.

I have read books by both authors and they delight in providing tales full of horror, gore, depravity and sex. I knew that going to read this book and most of that stuff doesn't really bother me for the most part. However I admit that this book was twisted on a whole new and unexpected level and not in a good way at all.Abducting people that God favours like nuns and priests, spiritual leaders and people of good standing in the community, force feeding them with drugs to make them want to rape and violate is bad enough for some readers. To have their victims fed the same drugs, victims who are the most seriously mentally and physically handicapped you can imagine is a whole other matter. Strange as it may sound this was not the worst the book had to offer, not by a long shot. If your idea of fun reading is reading about people doing nasty toilet functions in other people's mouths, then read on and enjoy. Me, this is where I draw a big fat line and say no, as I resist the urge to gag and vomit. I felt sick and started gagging when I read it and just thinking about it as I write this now gives me the same feeling. I don't find that type of thing entertaining, amusing or anything except stomach wrenching, especially with a disabled victim.There was nothing in this book that I liked. The subject matter and the writing were gross and twisted and I will be more selective about anything by the authors that I choose to read.

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