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Ellery Queen books

Ellery Queen
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Read Books by Ellery Queen


The Egyptian Cross Mystery (1983)

A new series of classic facsimile reprints selected and introduced by the internationally renowned editor and mystery expert Otto Penzler. - The Egyptian Cross Mystery has justly been called Ellery Queens weirdest adventure. On Christmas Eve, an eccentric schoolmaster in the little town of Arroyo...

The Egyptian Cross Mystery (1983) by Ellery Queen

The King Is Dead (2000)

The King Is Dead was a 50-cent thrift store buy, so I wasn't expecting too much, nor did I want that much from it. As long as I got a quick read with some violent crimes, I was sure I'd be pleased. In terms of violent crimes, The King Is Dead comes up slightly short, but it makes up for that by b...

The King Is Dead (2000) by Ellery Queen

American Gun Mystery (1976)

This book begins with the most lushly overwritten passages this reader has come across so far in the Queen oeuvre. It feels as if the author(s) were consciously trying to make their writing more ‘literary.’ The result, however, reads more like the strained attempt of an undergraduate to emulate a...

American Gun Mystery (1976) by Ellery Queen

The Dutch Shoe Mystery (1983)

When reading books that were, at one time, influential or popular it is often difficult for someone now to get what appealed to people then. I have written elsewhere about my frustrations on reading Ellery Queen. Although I had similar issues reading Philo Vance as I did Ellery Queen the two are ...

The Dutch Shoe Mystery (1983) by Ellery Queen

Calamity Town (1992)

Mio padre era un grande appassionato di gialli e il suo autore preferito era Ellery Queen. Gli piaceva perché, a suo dire, era “onesto” con i lettori. - Ellery Queen ti da sempre tutti gli indizi per risolvere il caso prima della fine del libro, non bara mai, è una sfida alla tua intelligenza.- N...

Calamity Town (1992) by Ellery Queen

The Adventures of Ellery Queen (2015)

Collection of short stories. * ...The African Traveler (original story) * ...The Hanging Acrobat (Mystery, 5/34 as "The Girl on the Trapeze") * ...The One Penny Black (Great Detective Stories, 4/33) * ...The Bearded Lady (Mystery, 8/34 as "The Sinister Beard") * ...The Three Lam...

The Adventures of Ellery Queen (2015) by Ellery Queen

Queens Full (1975)

Foster Benedict, aging matinee idol, didn't like playing the sticks. He was sabotaging the Wrightsville production of The Death of Don Juan, turning it into a farce. When the curtain rose on the second act, Benedict was dead. There were plenty of suspects--it seemed Foster Benedict had upstaged e...

Queens Full (1975) by Ellery Queen

The Siamese Twin Mystery (1993)

THE SIAMESE TWIN MYSTERY finds Ellery and his father, the irascible Inspector Queen, trapped in a mountain retreat by a raging forest fire. The members of the household are a strange lot, and the mysterious murder of the retreat's host indicates to the Queens that not only are they isolated with ...

The Siamese Twin Mystery (1993) by Ellery Queen

A Fine and Private Place (2002)

Para mais informação, consulte o post completo em: minha expectativa inicial não se afastou muito da realidade. Esta foi uma leitura razoável, de uma história que pouco deixará na minha memória, tal como tem acontecido com as restantes leituras desta colec...

A Fine and Private Place (2002) by Ellery Queen

The Murderer Is A Fox (1948)

For the twelve years following the death of Davy's mother Jessica, and the trial of his father, Davy Fox has suffered inner torture. Davy knew he loved his well as he knew he was going to kill her. He didn't know just when it was going to happen--but when a man is born to be a murderer,...

The Murderer Is A Fox (1948) by Ellery Queen

There Was an Old Woman (1992)

Hunting a masterful murderer poses a starker challenge than supersleuth Ellery Queen realized. "One of the very best of the Ellery Queen mysteries".--New York Times.

There Was an Old Woman (1992) by Ellery Queen

The Tragedy of X (1986)

The Tragedy of X is Drury Lane's debut novel. Lane is a Shakespearean actor who was forced into retirement due to deafness. As compensation for his hearing loss, he has developed an extraordinary skill at lip-reading and his acting background has given him plenty of practice at the art of disguis...

The Tragedy of X (1986) by Ellery Queen

Drury Lane's Last Case (1987)

CORNERED!The roadster screeched to a halt.A Cadillac was blocking the road. Suddenly a masked figure leaped from the big car, a gun in its hand.Patience Thumm screamed, then struggled to open her car door. But the gun came down sharply on her knuckles.“Give me the letter,” the masked figure com...

Drury Lane's Last Case (1987) by Ellery Queen

The Chinese Orange Mystery (1979)

Rich publisher Don Kirk, owner of the Mandarin Press, maintains an extra office next to the suite occupied by the Kirk family in the Hotel Chancellor, for meeting authors and, more importantly, for conducting transactions related to his passionately indulged hobby of stamp collecting. One day a f...

The Chinese Orange Mystery (1979) by Ellery Queen

The French Powder Mystery (1995)

Come with me to the heyday of the early portion of the twentieth century. Walk with me through the streets of New York, and stop, if you will, at one of the grand old department stores that I have never seen but only read about in books.I am talking about a store of many floors, full of salespeop...

The French Powder Mystery (1995) by Ellery Queen

Halfway House (1979)

Though I enjoy reading and rereading classic mysteries, I think this is my first Ellery Queen novel. In reading about the books I found that the earlier and later ones are considered quite different in style, and most but not all of today's readers prefer the later books. Then I found some refere...

Halfway House (1979) by Ellery Queen

The Four of Hearts (1994)

When Ellery is hired by the head of a motion picture studio to write a film that will reunite two feuding stars, the one-time lovers do more than reunite--they marry. But all turns sour when they are murdered on their honeymoon flight by a pilot who then parachutes into thin air. Originally publi...

The Four of Hearts (1994) by Ellery Queen

Face to Face (2000)

In my younger days, meaning ancient times, I enjoyed a number of the Ellery Queen mysteries. I picked up this last (I believe) written by the duo, after a long hiatus when the books were written by others, and was sorely disappointed. It's terribly contrived (although I understand first hand ho...

Face to Face (2000) by Ellery Queen

The Greek Coffin Mystery (1983)

The two authors who have taken the pen name of Ellery Queen are many things, but great writers they are not. By great I mean - maybe - humanizing. To see someone solve a rubik cube in record time inspires nothing but awe; I don't mean that in a good way by the way. They do not know how to make t...

The Greek Coffin Mystery (1983) by Ellery Queen

The Finishing Stroke (1988)

During the eleven nights before Christmas, the strange gifts and the warnings came. Ellery Queen was there. The police were there. But no one saw the messenger. Ellery Queen knew that the sinister gifts held the clue to the mystery. But what did they mean, and who was the intended victim? Then on...

The Finishing Stroke (1988) by Ellery Queen

The Roman Hat Mystery (1979)

A fine silk custom top-hat is missing from a crooked lawyer who was poisoned by lead alcohol in the Roman theater at the close of the second act, 9:55 pm. Inspector Richard Q, sneezing snuff; a thin, multi-faced, small "Old Man"; and the Inspector's large writer son Ellery, puffing cigarettes, in...

The Roman Hat Mystery (1979) by Ellery Queen

And on the Eighth Day (1998)

It's April 1944 and Ellery Queen has been working for the military making films in Hollywood. Driving through Death Valley on his way home, his car breaks down. Stumbling over a rise in the desert, he encounters an odd man who seems to come from an earlier time, and is welcomed into his community...

And on the Eighth Day (1998) by Ellery Queen

The Door Between (1971)

Ellery Queen, the gentleman detective, is a handsome Harvard grad who works as a private eye alongside his father, Inspector Richard Queen of the NYPD. In The Door Between they face one of their most daunting cases. Karen Leith is dead. An acclaimed novelist turned recluse, she died alone, in a s...

The Door Between (1971) by Ellery Queen

Dead Man's Tale

The heavy rains fell early that year, and the heat followed them. From Cape Passero in Sicily to the German Baltic ports, from Brest to the Elbe River, the Continent lay smothering. The great cross-country buses, an institution in German-speaking countries, a week before had been floundering and ...

Dead Man's Tale by Ellery Queen

Kill as Directed

Harry Brown’s vacant head ran the clear, cold, futile thought, He’s surprised. Whoever the man is, he expected anything but the hotel guest on his feet with an inquiring look and a visitor sitting in an armchair. “Mr. Curtis,” the giant said. He had a bass voice, rusty-sounding as if from disuse....

Kill as Directed by Ellery Queen

The Madman Theory

“We’re police officers. What’s the story on Box 1126?” The clerk surveyed them from below his green eyeshade. “I’ll tell you one thing—it’s a federal offense, and that’s no laughing matter.” “What happened?” “Last night someone comes in and jimmies the box door. These doors aren’t built to withst...

The Madman Theory by Ellery Queen

The Scarlet Letters (2013)

“Mr. Fields isn’t here. Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Queen?” “Who is this speaking?” “Mr. Fields’s secretary.” “Miss Loughman?” “That’s right.” “Where can I get in touch with Leon, Miss Loughman? It’s important.” “I really couldn’t say. Is this a confidential matter?” “Extremely.” “Wel...

The Scarlet Letters (2013) by Ellery Queen

Beware the Young Stranger

During the police preliminaries Ivy Ferguson Conway crouched in a chair and refused to move, like a child waking in the dark after a nightmare. Her husband’s voice mingled finally with that of the uniformed policeman on duty in the foyer. Conway came in, shaking his head. “Lost him, John. He must...

Beware the Young Stranger by Ellery Queen

Wife or Death

“Pull over on the shoulder a minute, Mac,” he said. They had nearly reached the lane leading up to the lodge. MacPherson obeyed in silence. Denton fumbled for his cigarettes. The taxi man accepted one and pressed his dashboard lighter. He passed the lighter to Denton, and Denton passed it back. “...

Wife or Death by Ellery Queen

The Campus Murders

McCall said. “Billy-be-damned. You’re a witch.” “Did I hear a labial?” Katie asked. “You’ve witched me. What is it? I never went for Irish girls before. I’d like a refill, please.” She raised her head again. Their lips touched and then there was pressure, and acceleration, and hands and chests an...

The Campus Murders by Ellery Queen

Egyptian Cross Mystery

Lazarus STEPHEN MEGARA’S FACE WAS a study in boiling expression. The metamorphosis in this vital, self-possessed man was startling. The pressure of the unknown had finally torn the mask of will from his face. His eyes glittered with an icy unrest. He looked rapidly about the room—at the windows, ...

Egyptian Cross Mystery by Ellery Queen

Greek Coffin Mystery

The Inspector and Pepper, both wearing looks of resignation, followed him. Khalkis’ bedroom was large and dark and windowless—the chamber of a blind man. Ellery switched on a light and surveyed this new field of exploration. The room was in considerable confusion; the bed was soiled and unmade; a...

Greek Coffin Mystery by Ellery Queen

The Black Hearts Murder

Cordes said. “Well.” He was mollified. “Then perhaps now you’ll tell me what you want to see Mr. Horton about?” “Of course,” McCall said. “As his campaign manager, speechwriter, and so on, you must be on familiar terms with how Horton thinks. What I wanted to talk to him about was LeRoy Rawlings....

The Black Hearts Murder by Ellery Queen

The Four Johns

The motivation for stealing his car and stuffing Mary into the trunk had been dismally clear—to implicate him in the murder. But why this? The hand-printing conveyed nothing. A graphologist might read meaning into the carefully squared E, the flourishing S, the quiver in the final leg of the R. B...

The Four Johns by Ellery Queen

The Fourth Side of the Triangle

The choices were several. He was invited to a party the guiding idea of which was to charter a canalboat in Newcastle, Pennsylvania, and glide through Bucks County watching the south end of the mule head north along the towpath (or was it the north end heading south?), lallygagging around under t...

The Fourth Side of the Triangle by Ellery Queen

Cop Out

Malone said. “What do you mean it isn’t here any more?” “Somebody took it.” “Who? How? I told you not to let it out of your sight!” “Don’t yell at me, Loney. I don’t think I can take any more.” “Will you answer me, for God’s sake? How did it happen?” Ellen got out of the rocker with Barbara. She ...

Cop Out by Ellery Queen

The Killer Touch

Strange that she’d wear her white beach coat to a secret tryst; she stood out like neon beneath the thick crescent of the moon. The water catchment was a gray triangle on the slope above her. He could hear rats chittering in the grass around him; the booming surf had become an unchanging part of ...

The Killer Touch by Ellery Queen

The Devil To Pay (2011)

Much Ado About Something HOLLYWOOD, like the Land of Oz, possesses a quaint and fluty flavor: it is the place where tin Christmas trees suddenly sprout around lamp-posts in December under a ninety-degree sun, where restaurants take the shape of lighthouses and hats, ladies on Saturday nights stro...

The Devil To Pay (2011) by Ellery Queen

Chinese Orange Mystery

Diagonally across from him sat Berne, a scowl on his intelligent face. Marcella and Macgowan were neighbors; and Miss Llewes and Dr. Kirk, who sat at the head of the table. Of the eight only Miss Llewes and Dr. Kirk were gay. The old gentleman’s angular torso, assisted into the chair by Miss Dive...

Chinese Orange Mystery by Ellery Queen

Kiss and Kill

This man was a pro. He would kill on the slightest excuse. “Everything understood? Nobody moves, nobody talks.” He cleared his throat “All right, lady. Start the car and pull onto the highway.” Claire moved in slow motion. She turned on the switch, pulled the car into gear. As she let out the clu...

Kiss and Kill by Ellery Queen

The Golden Goose

Two reports lay before him, one an analysis of Slater O’Shea’s bourbon from the bedside bottle and the other of Slater O’Shea’s interior. Neither report, from Grundy’s point of view, was ideal. For they disturbed his personal concept of the good detective life, which was based on as little troubl...

The Golden Goose by Ellery Queen

The Tragedy of Z

THE SECOND SECTION Jeremy got up and began to walk around the room. Father Muir sat in a sort of stupor, quietly; he had heard nothing, I felt sure, for his eyes were fixed on an intangible far beyond the range of our vision. Mr. Drury Lane blinked, and said slowly: “How do you know, Patience, th...

The Tragedy of Z by Ellery Queen

The Devil's Cook

said Fanny. She said it softly and fiercely, leaning forward in a listening attitude. Ben, who had not been making a sound, followed directions simply by continuing to do what he had been doing, which was nothing. Fanny got up and, having removed her shoes some time before for greater comfort, pa...

The Devil's Cook by Ellery Queen

The Copper Frame

Saxon stopped there for lunch. It was just 1:30 P.M. when he drove back into Iroquois. Emily having worked until 7 A.M., he knew she would still be asleep. He drove over to Ben Foley’s house and found the former mayor home. When they were settled with drinks in their hands, Saxon said, “I wouldn’...

The Copper Frame by Ellery Queen

The Player on the Other Side

J. H. Walt went back to York Square, and a miracle was passed by the fourth estate. On booking Walt for Myra York’s death, Inspector Richard Queen had asked the newsmen to sit on it. He took his oath on a long-term better break if they would go along with him now. Therefore three papers had menti...

The Player on the Other Side by Ellery Queen

Inspector Queen’s Own Case

CREEPING LIKE SNAIL Faces kept floating about the steamy room. All the weight had bobbed out of Jessie’s head. It felt taut and airy, like a balloon. In the nightmare she knew with curious certainty that her alarm would go off any minute. She would wake up in a solid world, jump out of bed, liste...

Inspector Queen’s Own Case by Ellery Queen

A Study in Terror

“I went forth an eager beaver. I return a wreck.” “From only two interviews?” “A party is one thing—you can escape behind a patio plant. But alone, trapped inside four walls …” Ellery, still in pyjamas, crouched over his typewriter and scratched the foundations of a magnificent beard. He typed fo...

A Study in Terror by Ellery Queen

The Blue Movie Murders

Lieutenant Powell merely shook his head a bit sadly and started filling out a report. The reinforced police had dealt quickly with the remainder of Cynthia’s Raiders before they could do more than break a few windows. And Cynthia Rhodes herself, faced with the spectacle of a death she might have ...

The Blue Movie Murders by Ellery Queen

Queen’s Bureau of Investigation

The story is told, for instance, of baffled students talking Dr. Hope’s Shakespeare course for the first time. “History advises us that Richard II died peacefully at Pontefract, probably of pneumonia,” Dr. Hope scolds. “But what does Shakespeare say, Act V, Scene V? That Exton struck him down,” a...

Queen’s Bureau of Investigation by Ellery Queen

Which Way to Die?

12. Eight minutes later Corrigan joined Baer outdoors. Frank Grant remained inside with the women. His ratty shoulders were drawn in, as if he were in a corner. He drank black coffee with both hands. The two men started with the wall to the left and examined it inch by inch from an imaginary line...

Which Way to Die? by Ellery Queen

The Glass Village

Almost as preoccupied, Johnny observed, as Mr. Sheare. The minister mumbled throughout, and during the singing of the hymns he stood with eyes closed as if communing with the only Authority that had never failed him. To the Judge’s frank relief, Mr. Sheare dispensed with his sermon. Johnny found ...

The Glass Village by Ellery Queen

The New Adventures of Ellery Queen

Ellery Queen, the noted sleuth, during those early October days in Hollywood, would have said reverently that the great man’s intellect was once more locked in titanic struggle with the forces of evil. “Paula,” Mr. Queen said to Paula Paris, “I’m going mad.” “I hope,” said Miss Paris tenderly, “i...

The New Adventures of Ellery Queen by Ellery Queen


When the doctor left, Ellery ran down to the corner drugstore. “The doctor wants dad to start on the antibiotic as soon as possible, Henry,” Ellery said to the owner of the pharmacy. “Can you fill this while I wait?” “Sure, these come all made up,” said Henry Brubuck. “Albert, fill this for Mr. Q...

QED by Ellery Queen

The Origin of Evil

There were tyre-marks in profusion, illegibly intermingled. Near the box they found several heel-marks of a woman’s shoe, but that was all. The door of the box hung open and the box was empty. They walked up the driveway to the house. Keats neither rang nor knocked. The maid with the tic came hur...

The Origin of Evil by Ellery Queen

Where Is Bianca?

Morning mail. Morning report. His own report to Inspector in Charge, MOS. “Recommend,” his report concluded, “that security measures continue in this case. Formal charges against Carlton Ainsley will temporarily pend to keep his name and full details of the death of Nancy Gavin, alias Noreen Gard...

Where Is Bianca? by Ellery Queen

Dutch Shoe Mystery

Life was now extinct, he felt sure, although as he opened the door of the theater from the West Corridor the surgeons and nurses still worked over the body. One who had lived was dead; and dead of violence. And deaths of violence were commonplace to a writer of mystery stories, an unofficial inve...

Dutch Shoe Mystery by Ellery Queen

The Dragon’s Teeth

Inspector Queen Inspects When Beau stepped past the detectives on guard in 1724 he found Kerrie gone from the sitting room and the door to the bedroom shut. Inspector Queen was alone. He was seated in the armchair by the window, a sheaf of reports before him. The debris of flash-bulbs cluttered t...

The Dragon’s Teeth by Ellery Queen

French Powder Mystery

Requiem THEY STOOD ABOUT IN one of the dusty, deserted rooms—an old-fashioned parlor, with the battered remains of a Victorian fireplace mutely proclaiming its fall upon evil days—and talked quietly. Fiorelli was beside himself with impotent rage. His dark beefy face was the color of slate; he ki...

French Powder Mystery by Ellery Queen

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