Morning mail. Morning report. His own report to Inspector in Charge, MOS. “Recommend,” his report concluded, “that security measures continue in this case. Formal charges against Carlton Ainsley will temporarily pend to keep his name and full details of the death of Nancy Gavin, alias Noreen Gardner, from appearing immediately in the public record. The press will be briefed at the proper time. Meanwhile, Carlton Ainsley will be under close surveillance. “The reason for these measures stems from the Mayan ring taken from the body of ‘Noreen Gardner.’ Mrs. Bianca Fielding Lessard was wearing this same ring at the time she disappeared, approximately seventy-two hours prior to the death of ‘Noreen.’ “It is possible, therefore, that a person unknown is following the case carefully to ascertain whether or not we can pinpoint the time and place of the transfer of the Mayan ring.” Corrigan was sliding the report into a manila envelope when Baer walked into the office. Corrigan dropped the report into the.