She climbed out and pulled her white singlet top away from her body, looking for some respite from the heat. A quarter to eight in the morning and the north Queensland humidity was already stifling. She could feel the perspiration gathering between her breasts. She’d been in the tropics for month...
It hadn’t been a particularly strenuous day but she found any day that she had to go to appointments stressful. The drive through the hills from Stirling into the city, waiting for the appointment, waiting for results, they all took their toll. She’d had scans today. Scans that showed that, despi...
His PA was standing in his doorway, smiling. She didn’t look too perturbed by the ‘situation’. ‘What is it?’ ‘I think you’d better come and see,’ Sofia replied. Lucas followed her out of his office. He glanced around as he crossed the lobby. Everyth...