It hadn’t been a particularly strenuous day but she found any day that she had to go to appointments stressful. The drive through the hills from Stirling into the city, waiting for the appointment, waiting for results, they all took their toll. She’d had scans today. Scans that showed that, despite the radiotherapy, the tumour continued to grow. She hadn’t been surprised. She could feel things weren’t improving yet a tiny part of her had been hoping she’d been wrong. That was exhausting too, trying to keep positive when she knew things weren’t getting better. And just because the bad news wasn’t unexpected didn’t make it any easier to hear. She tried not to dwell on the statistics but she knew the odds were not in her favour. Survival rates were pretty well non-existent with this type of tumour, fewer than three per cent of people survived past five years and the average life expectancy, even with treatment, was between seven and nine months. She was approaching five months.
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