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Emily Snow books

Emily Snow
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Read Books by Emily Snow


Tidal (2000)

I liked Tidal quite a bit more than the Devoured series. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting it to be, especially after reading the Devoured series, but I was happy for the differences. I liked Willow a lot, I liked that she maintained her sobriety after crashing and burning as many times as s...

Tidal (2000) by Emily Snow

Savor You (2013)

I finished it until the end. I don't hate the book. Actually, no matter how badly it frustrated me, I never thought of putting it down. I wanted to finish it, hoping my heart will change and I'll end up loving it. It just simply didn't work out.Everything was too messy. I mean, Emily Snow's appro...

Savor You (2013) by Emily Snow

Mareas (2014)

I fell so damn hard for Cooper it's not even funny. It wasn't just his looks and accent, but also the depth of his personality and how he was always very supportive. Willow was also relatable (except for the drug and kid part) and she showed, in a realistic way, the in's and out's of the acting w...

Mareas (2014) by Emily Snow

Lust Thy Neighbor

He was so used to seeing Beckett Caldwell dressed like he'd walked right out of the pages of a luxury fashion magazine that he found himself lifting an eyebrow at the other man’s wrinkled jeans and rumpled band tee from a 2004 Yellowcard show. “Rough night?” Declan asked and took a drink of his c...

Lust Thy Neighbor by Emily Snow


The skin beneath my fingers felt hot to the touch. But to my mortification, the fact that Oliver had caught me—and that I might lose what little leeway I’d gained in unraveling my past—didn't seem nearly as monumental as what he had said a moment ago. That perfume makes me think of fucking you. I...

Uncovered by Emily Snow


I’m fitful and nervous about the coming days so it takes no physical effort at all to leave the comfort of my bed behind at 5am. The force holding me back is mental, emotional, and I take my time carefully making the bed, running my fingertips over the worn pink and orange comforter as I smooth i...

Devoured by Emily Snow


Louis in the morning, I’ve pushed Sam’s crazy ass note and the discovery of how fiercely some of Lucas’s fans hate me to a dark corner in the back of my mind. As ironic as it sounds, thinking about either is toxic for me, and if I concentrate on it, I’ll just make myself sick again. I think about...

Consumed by Emily Snow

The Singles

By the time I’m done, I’ve managed to calm my nerves, the trembling in my legs have stopped, and I’m articulate enough to understand. I can look my best friend in the eye without raising her suspicions about what Wyatt and I did a mere fifteen feet away from her while she was sleeping. I spend a ...

The Singles by Emily Snow


To sleep off my bad mood and the hangover. My plan is shot to hell when Kylie shows up at my place at 10:30. I know it’s her and not some intruder—though as fucked up as it sounds, I think I would prefer the intruder if they left me alone while they took all of my shit—by the sound of her footste...

Absorbed by Emily Snow

All Over You

He doesn’t say anything to me directly, but I can feel his eyes following my every move, even as I take the change of costume to Amber, who’s talking to the director. When I look behind me, though, Lucas is already gone. My boss takes the lingerie from me without as much as a single glance and ho...

All Over You by Emily Snow

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