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Read Mareas (2014)

Mareas (2014)

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Mareas (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I fell so damn hard for Cooper it's not even funny. It wasn't just his looks and accent, but also the depth of his personality and how he was always very supportive. Willow was also relatable (except for the drug and kid part) and she showed, in a realistic way, the in's and out's of the acting world, without making it sound so bratty.Willow and Cooper made an awesome couple. One of my favorite scenes was probably when Willow told Cooper about the baby. His reaction was not to explode and call her irresponsible and stupid, but instead he felt and burdened the pain with her. The last scene also topped the list. Parker seemed nice and I'm happy that Willow got a fantastically happy ending.Thank you, Emily Snow, for making my saturday night as romantic as if I had really gone on that date with him :) Definitely a well written story, and one you do not see very often. We all know that there is tons of gossip and stories when it comes to actors and actresses these days, but Emily Snow shows a little bit of a softer, more human side of the people who are always in the spotlight. No matter who we are or what obstacles we face, there is always a time where we have to figure out which fork in the road we need to take. Making sure to weigh the pros and cons always feels like we are drowning but one thing you can't ever forget, there are people in our lives that will do whatever they can to make sure we don't fall and will hold you up when you need it. Snow captured a persons inner turmoil, emotions and I am it was a home run to how close some celebrities feel. I have to admit some of the twists were not excepted, but definitely kept my interest and I had to keep reading. Each character is strong, and since it seems like there is a lot going on you can feel their emotions as well as the chemistry flowing off the pages. I have to say I absolutely loved where this story went and though it was a romance novel it was also very inspirational. Meaning that though we all go through tough times in our lives we can always bounce back from them. This is one story that I know many would love to read.

What do You think about Mareas (2014)?

This book opened my eyes to the lives of actors. We alway read how they get into drugs and their lives just go down hill, and we criticize without really knowing anything about them just what we read in the tabloids. This book gives a look into their lives and what might have lead them to insanity. It does make you feel for them, or at least for Willow. Willow has one more chance to prove herself, and she doesn't care, but she's broke and doesn't know how to do anything but act. She signs up for a beach/surfing movie, and Cooper is hired to be her surfing instructor. Cooper sees so much potential in her, and is determined not to give up on her, or let her give up on herself. In this story Willow finds out who her true friends are and who really cares for her. Sometime it's not the people you think they are. Cooper helps Willow to realize just how much she's worth. She was so broken, but Cooper helps her put the pieces of life back together. It was a sweet story.

I had this book a year ago, but I never encouraged my self to read it until yesterday, I have to admit that the first pages had not convinced me. but then I could not stop reading, I completely enveloped, Avery's character (something we see a lot holliwood stars on drugs) her strength, her desire not to turn back, her fears, well everything! cooper captive me since he appeared, and his love for Willow, his strength and all...makes me want boyfriend like him... I loved the story, almost reaching the end I cry a lot and the end left me SPECHLESS!!

Happy tears for the epilogue..


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