I slapped the phone in her palm, and the image of Garrett in his toga stared up at us. Hannah’s eyes widened. Turning away from the host, she winked and pocketed my phone. “Nice.”My shoulders relaxed.The director thumped the brim of the cameraman’s ball cap. “Did you get that?”He nodded.“That’s o...
They’d put a wall-to-wall king-size bed in his trailer.Caz grabbed a remote and clicked away at the buttons. Country music filled the room. “Because you’re from Texas,” he drawled. She laughed, and leaned against the wall while he dimmed the lights. She hadn’t known he could imitate her accent, a...
“Hannah, where is she?”“I’m sure Ms. Sims will be here any sec,” Hannah said.We all glanced at the door as if Sara Sims would walk in. She didn’t. It took two more hours for her to arrive, and then everyone flew into high speed. We took our desserts out of the fridge and added the ingredient they...
Even with her back to the school hallway, she’d heard five greetings from guys she didn’t know, two wolf-whistles, and one unacceptable suggestion. “Hey, Kaitlin,” a male voice said. Kaitlin looked left and saw Tyler from English class. Her shoulder...