I slapped the phone in her palm, and the image of Garrett in his toga stared up at us. Hannah’s eyes widened. Turning away from the host, she winked and pocketed my phone. “Nice.”My shoulders relaxed.The director thumped the brim of the cameraman’s ball cap. “Did you get that?”He nodded.“That’s one of our studio’s films, right?”After receiving his second acknowledgment, the director turned to Ms. Sims. Their eyes met and a silent exchange took place. Then the director said, “Counting down, three, two, one.” She made a rolling motion and pointed at Ms. Sims.Ms. Sims said, “Meet your new final six: Willful Will, Clean Kate, Spice King, Cajun Cal, Grandma Gert, and—”The bright lights attached to the camera swiveled and blinded me.“Star Stalker Marissa.”I gasped. The camera lingered and then turned to Hannah.With a reluctant grimace at me, Hannah held up my cell phone and maneuvered the screen so that the picture of Garrett faced the lens. The camera zoomed in.The director said, “That’s a wrap.”The contestants shrugged out of their aprons and headed for the door.