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Francine Pascal books

Francine Pascal
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Read Books by Francine Pascal


Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later (2011)

when my bf got me this as a birthday present (he knows my undying devotion to the Sweet Valley series), i was super psyched to start reading it. i honestly didn't know how but i actually managed to finish this book. SV Confidential was just so... bad. i'm not kidding. jessica like, can't like, st...

Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later (2011) by Francine Pascal

Fearless / Sam / Run (2012)

My first review was on the first book only. I gave that one 3.5 stars. But I take it back I dont know. After reading a review that voiced some thoughts I had it was clear.I would not finish this series. Ever.I didnt think id pick up the second book or the third but I just skimmed through both of ...

Fearless / Sam / Run (2012) by Francine Pascal

Freak (2004)


Freak (2004) by Francine Pascal

Racing Hearts (1984)

Source: I read this book online via OpenLibrary. Cost: Free Title: Racing Hearts Series: Sweet Valley High #9 Author: Kate William and Francine Pascal Overall Rating: 3 stars And on today's episode of Why the Wakefield Twins Are Better Than Us Mere Mortals: They don't get frizzy hair! The sh...

Racing Hearts (1984) by Francine Pascal

Wrong Kind of Girl (1984)

I definitely have never read this one before. It was pretty good, but nothing great. I feel like the only reason why Jessica has it out for Annie is because Annie is so similar to Jessica. Subconciously, Jessica probably feels threatened by Annie. Story of my life right now hahaApparently Annie h...

Wrong Kind of Girl (1984) by Francine Pascal

Heart Breaker (1984)

Original SnarkSquad recap here.Jessica Wakefield was once turned down by sufer dude Bill Chase. So, naturally, she spends the book seducing and manipulating him, because these books are about nothing if they aren't about teaching young, impressionable youths amazing life lessons. We're introduced...

Heart Breaker (1984) by Francine Pascal

Too Good to be True (1984)

Elizabeth really is too naive and trusting. I really wish she'd get mean and stop being stepped on.Suzanne comes across as just some spoiled little brat who just wants attention. I mean, if her parents are as bad/neglectful as they came across when Jessica came over, I kinda get it. But still. Sh...

Too Good to be True (1984) by Francine Pascal

Secrets (1983)

How I Came To Read This Book: I salvaged it from a pile my mom was going to donate, wanting to prep for the forthcoming Sweet Valley Confidential!The Plot: Jessica wants to be named the upcoming fall dance queen, namely so she can attend all events for the rest of the year on the arm of inevitabl...

Secrets (1983) by Francine Pascal

Power Play (1984)

Before Reading:'s face-off time with the twins! I always think of them having long, straight hair but it's always kind of short and wavy on the covers. Weird. This is the uber fat-shaming one. I'm sure I'll have a LOT to say about this one!The Main Plot in 50 Words or Less: Robin is inf...

Power Play (1984) by Francine Pascal

All Night Long (1984)

I'm pretty sure I've never read this one before. Not much about it stuck out or seemed particularly deja-vu.So this one had a really short time line: only a week. It started on a Sunday and was over on the following Saturday. Not that that's really relevant to anything, but I just thought it was ...

All Night Long (1984) by Francine Pascal

Dangerous Love (1984)

HOT CLAM SPECIAL!To me, Dangerous Love is the quintessential SVH book. It has our first real cliffhanger and enough Liz angst to float a boat. It is yet another book where Jessica expresses remorse for being Jessica and vows to change (and never does). I probably read this one and "Dear Sister" a...

Dangerous Love (1984) by Francine Pascal

Dear Sister (1984)

Elizabeth wakes up from a coma after disobeying her parents and riding a motorcycle with her boyfriend, and of course getting in an accident. Jessica is so relieved to have her sister back, but something seems off about Liz…(view spoiler)[The responsible and observant Wakefield parents take note...

Dear Sister (1984) by Francine Pascal

Best Friends (1986)

Instead of a synopsis, I am going to do things a bit differently this time. Even though SVH came first, chronologically this is where it all began (oh shut up, I don't care about Sweet Valley Kids). Jessica seems to be the most sociopathic during the first 30 books of each series (not counting SY...

Best Friends (1986) by Francine Pascal

Normal (2004)


Normal (2004) by Francine Pascal

Trust (2000)

The Fearless series is a great young adult series with appeal (i think) for both boys and girls (of course never having been a teenage boy~i can't really say for sure). Although it deals with the feelings of a young woman "born without the fear gene" and all the subsequent doubts and insecuritie...

Trust (2000) by Francine Pascal

Wired (2010)

Back when I was fearless, it went like this: Gaia meets boy. Gaia falls in love with boy. Boy gets hurt. Now that I feel fear, it goes like this: Gaia meets boy. Gaia falls in love with boy. Boy gets hurt. Some things never change.

Wired (2010) by Francine Pascal

Double Love (1984)

"Francine Pascal," or whoever actually wrote these books, taught me how to read. Nancy Drew was my angel in first grade; by third, the Wakefield sisters were my guiding light, and if it weren't for them, I'd be television literate today. As it is, I cannot hold an informed conversation with membe...

Double Love (1984) by Francine Pascal

Fear (2002)

I've read this series over ten years ago. But I remember it being very good. For the first 18 books. After that the more it lasted the worst it got. I stopped at book 32. These days I wouldn't give it more than 20.Back to the good stuff. I found that Gaia was a good strong, pretty but still flawe...

Fear (2002) by Francine Pascal

Twisted (2002)

4.5 stars.i love these books!they are fast paced, and i love the alternating pov chapters/sub chapters.a book you can easily devour in one long as you don't have to go to work or school!i'm reading the omnibus with 4-6, but am doing separate reviews for the individual books....i thought ...

Twisted (2002) by Francine Pascal

Killer (2000)

Just because I want to do something different I'm going to write the reviews in a Friends episode format. Enjoy!The One With Ella's Ambition to Kill GaiaElla Niven is furious. Gaia Moore has been irritating her since the beginning. Sure, she slept with Sam, the guy Gaia is in love with, and that ...

Killer (2000) by Francine Pascal

Tears (2001)

Just because I want to do something different I'm going to write the reviews in a Friends episode format. Enjoy!The One With Secrets Kept Away From GaiaNow that Gaia Moore came back from France, everything is supposed to be back to normal. Wrong! Sam Moon is being threaten by an unknown caller, a...

Tears (2001) by Francine Pascal

Blind (2001)

I've read this series over ten years ago. But I remember it being very good. For the first 18 books. After that the more it lasted the worst it got. I stopped at book 32. These days I wouldn't give it more than 20.Back to the good stuff. I found that Gaia was a good strong, pretty but still flawe...

Blind (2001) by Francine Pascal

Blood (2000)

Just because I want to do something different I'm going to write the reviews in a Friends episode format. Enjoy!The One With Gaia's GriefGaia is in denial. Her best friend Mary died in front her and doesn't want to express her mourning. That makes Ed really mad. He wasn't the only one that lost M...

Blood (2000) by Francine Pascal

Sex (2002)

I finally know what fear is. Fear is the desire to change your life forever… The moment before that desire comes true.

Sex (2002) by Francine Pascal

Terror (2010)

The sight of blood makes my heart race. The slightest noise makes my palms sweat. A tiny spider makes my stomach drop. Everything frightens me. And I've never been happier.

Terror (2010) by Francine Pascal

Fake (2004)

It feels safe. Secure. Worry free.The perfect situation, really.Now he's forbidden me to leave the house.Because Skyler always has my best interests in mind.

Fake (2004) by Francine Pascal

Exposed (2010)

Instead of choosing the good guy, I chose the bad guy. Instead of warding off the enemy, I moved in with him. And I thought the purpose of fear was to prevent you from doing stupid things.

Exposed (2010) by Francine Pascal


Like an irritating mosquito or a black mouse scurrying into a dark corner. Only it was so much bigger. It meant so much more. A black bag. Gaia knew it instantly. She was sure of it. All thoughts of broken hearts and obligatory dates had disappeared. Suddenly Gaia’s attention had zeroed in on tha...

Escape by Francine Pascal


SAM WHISPERED against her neck. “I love you.”He’d always wondered what it would take to say those words, how much he’d have to push and prompt and coach himself to utter them. He didn’t realize it wouldn’t require any intention at all — that the words could come without thought or plan, as natura...

Kiss by Francine Pascal


It had to be at least five hundred degrees, she thought, and they'd been stuck indoors rehearsing all morning! And she'd always thought Saturdays were for fun. She glanced at Bill, who was carrying on an animated conversation with DeeDee over by a stack of props. Well, the day wasn't over yet.......

SVH08-Heartbreaker by Francine Pascal

SVH09-Racing Hearts

It was a perfect day for the race trials, and everyone was excused from first-period class to cheer on the participants.Shading her eyes from the sun, Cara Walker peered out at the track. "I see Mark and Peter and Tony, but where's Bruce?""You know Bruce," Lila said dryly. "He's probably waiting ...

SVH09-Racing Hearts by Francine Pascal


She didn’t need the clanging of the bell signaling the end of the school day, either. The shrill hum in her head was all she needed to know it was time for her next dose of pills.Now that she’d gotten on a better schedule with them, though, she didn’t look like crap all the time. She tossed four ...

Alone by Francine Pascal

Playing With Fire

“Well, well, I see I’m not the only one who had a mad urge for another slice of Guido’s pizza.” Bruce’s face turned white at the mere sound of the voice. “Jessica, what a pleasant surprise. Uh, I’d like you to meet Aline Montgomery. She’s a—a friend of the family.” “Friend?” Jessica questioned. “...

Playing With Fire by Francine Pascal

Twins (2002)

Gaia said, keeping her eyes low as she poured her third bowl of Froot Loops. Thank God Ed was always fully stocked on Froot Loops, because they were just about her only solace right now, after that ludicrous freak-out with Ed’s door. Obviously she’d been way too optimistic about the sudden disapp...

Twins (2002) by Francine Pascal


Somewhere Here HE SLUNK THROUGH THE LOCKER room, flinching at every shout that echoed from the gym, every imagined creak of a door. Guiltily he yanked on lock after lock, cringing at the noise he was making, but none of them gave. These kids were too paranoid. Too untrusting. But considering what...

Lost by Francine Pascal


Her heart pounded. Oh, no. It was time to make Daddy proud again. GAIA COULD SEE THE FEAR CLEARLY ETCHED on Mary's face. It was right there: right in her creased forehead and downcast eyes. They had been speeding downtown on the local number-six train for nearly fifteen minutes, and Mary hadn't s...

Rebel by Francine Pascal


Apparently it was a slow day for the school rebels. The place was practically deserted. Of course, Robbie Canetti was there because Robbie Canetti was always there. He looked up from his notebook when Ed and Gaia entered. "Hi," he said. Ed said hi. Gaia didn't bother. Ms. Strahan glanced at them,...

Run by Francine Pascal

Gone (2004)

He was digging a small crimson impression into Chris Rodke’s forehead with the barrel. He knew that it was essential time to control one’s temper while holding a gun, but the images in his head were telling a different story. He wanted to decimate this kid. He wanted to splatter his brains all ov...

Gone (2004) by Francine Pascal


She wasn't sure why she was staring at it, but she'd been doing it for so long, she was sure there was a reason. If she could only remember ..."Heather?"She moved her head too fast, and her eyes started to swim around in their sockets. Heather giggled. She felt like a fish in a very round bowl. S...

Payback by Francine Pascal

Bad (2001)

  THE WINDOW WOULD PROBABLY BE expensive to replace. It was stained glass, and Gaia remembered Ella saying that she’d had it shipped$$$$ from Italy. But Gaia would send George money for it—if she ever had any. There was no other way to get inside. She’d left her key in the bedroom last night beca...

Bad (2001) by Francine Pascal


Tom and Oliver, identical in every way, sat on opposite sides of the fire, both glaring into the flames. Peculiar GAIA POUNDED ON HER FATHER’S back, trying to wake him from whatever stupor he was in as they sped across the snowy plane. Her fists bounced off him like pebbles, he was so steely and ...

Lust by Francine Pascal

Shock (2003)

she said.He looked up with a start. “Oh, sorry,” he said. “I’m all done here.”“I know she has not been kind to you,” Natasha said, stepping into the room and leaning against the doorjamb.“Tatiana’s great.”“I mean Gaia. I am afraid I heard your conversation, and I know she is not being easy to get...

Shock (2003) by Francine Pascal

SVH04-Power Play

Elizabeth was a member, too, but she hardly ever went to meetings. She didn't like the club's style and was too busy writing the "Eyes and Ears" column for the school paper to give the members much of her time."Eyes and Ears" was a regular feature, filled with hot, fun items about the students at...

SVH04-Power Play by Francine Pascal

SVH11-Too Good To Be True

"I'm Pete. Pete McCafferty."He stuck out his hand, but she was barely aware of shaking it. She was too busy noticing the way his green eyes sparkled, the way his chestnut hair fell in sun-streaked locks over his tanned forehead. In white slacks and a blue Lacoste shirt that hugged his muscular ch...

SVH11-Too Good To Be True by Francine Pascal

Naked (2001)

“YOU LOOK DIFFERENT,” PAUL MOSS said, examining Gaia from the doorway of Mary’s room. “What did you do?” Idiot Points Gaia shrugged, staring at herself in the little mirror perched on Mary’s bureau. “Nothing. I put on some fatigues,” she said. “Going to CBGB’s is like going into battle. The mosh ...

Naked (2001) by Francine Pascal

My First Love and Other Disasters

“I have nothing to wear!” I have to scream because I am buried four feet into the bottom of my closet hunting for some scrap of something to wear out tonight for the big dinner with my parents and the gnome, who unfortunately insisted on coming along even though she hates Italian food, especially...

My First Love and Other Disasters by Francine Pascal

Fearless: No. 2 - Sam (Fearless)

And you were there watching her for the duration of her search?"Ella's face showed impatience. "Certainly."He pressed his lips together to signal his own waning patience. Ella, with her sleek body, her colorfully revealing clothing, and her poorly concealed moodiness acted as much the angry teena...

Fearless: No. 2 - Sam (Fearless) by Francine Pascal

Betrayed (2002)

He’d sworn off all stunts for the rest of his life, but the board still made for some of the finest urban transportation in New York City.He checked his watch. 9:50. Perfect. He’d make it to the hospital in five minutes and have enough time to check in on Heather and Gaia and still make it to sch...

Betrayed (2002) by Francine Pascal


Ex ED GLANCED AT HIS WATCH AS HE waited outside the rest rooms at the Union Square Theater. It was eight fifty-five. In five minutes Gaia was going to be meeting Jake a couple of blocks away to do . . . whatever it was they were going to do. And Kai was in the bathroom, taking a very long time. “...

Chase by Francine Pascal


IT WAS NOW officially alarming. He was up a knight and coming on strong. How had she misjudged him so badly? He was probably the best person she had ever played except for her father, maybe, and Zolov, who was nuts. She studied his face. He was older than she, but not by much. Maybe twenty. He ha...

Fearless by Francine Pascal

The Sweet Life (2012)

The minute Elizabeth had seen the little house for rent she knew it would be the perfect hideaway. It was close to Father Riley’s church and no one would know Robin was there. With Elizabeth’s name on the lease, she’d be safe from reporters or anyone else searching for her. Elizabeth rang the doo...

The Sweet Life (2012) by Francine Pascal


SAM RANG THE BELL ON THE FRONT of the brownstone and waited. He was more nervous than he wanted to admit. This isn't a date, he told himself. Gaia probably doesn't even think about me like that. She only invited me over as a friend. The Body That didn't do much to help. But at least he was going ...

Heat by Francine Pascal

SVH12-When Love Dies

Wakefield looked up from the blueprint that was spread out before her on the coffee table. She smiled, hooking a stray strand of honey-blond hair behind one ear."I haven't seen him," she said. "How did it go at the hospital today?""Fine," Elizabeth said."No comment," said Jessica, and acting as i...

SVH12-When Love Dies by Francine Pascal

SVH10-Wrong Kind of Girl

When he studied the Revolutionary War and its causes, music drifted into his mind. And not some fife-and-drum march leading Washington's troops toward Valley Forge, either. No, Ricky's attempts at studying were being sidetracked by love songs.Plain-looking, shy, quiet Ricky was falling in love wi...

SVH10-Wrong Kind of Girl by Francine Pascal

SVH06-Dangerous Love

"Where's Todd? I was getting used to driving myself to school.""Todd has... Other plans," Elizabeth replied, placing her bag in the back and blatantly avoiding eye contact. "And besides, I need the car after school. I'm covering a story for The Oracle."Elizabeth slid into the driver's seat, check...

SVH06-Dangerous Love by Francine Pascal

SVH05-All Night Long

She switched it off and rolled onto her stomach, bunching her pillow up under her cheek. Just a few more minutes, she thought with a yawn. She had been having the most perfect dream. She had been alone in the darkroom at school, developing pictures of a beautiful lake, when Todd had come up behin...

SVH05-All Night Long by Francine Pascal

SVH01-Double Love

You absolutely cannot be going with Winston Egbert!" screeched Jessica as she stood in the middle of Elizabeth's room. "I can't believe my own sister dating that clown!"It was the evening before the dance, but Jessica had been so preoccupied with her own plans for the big night that she hadn't he...

SVH01-Double Love by Francine Pascal

SVH07-Dear Sister

"Liz, you can't be serious. There's no way we could do that." "Why not?""Well, because ..." Jessica tried to think of a reason. Actually, she thought, that was the kind of party she'd always wanted. But certainly not the kind Elizabeth ever had. Then common sense caught up with Jessica. "We can't...

SVH07-Dear Sister by Francine Pascal

Liar (2000)

He’d parked his wheelchair at the edge of the dance floor for purposes of amusement, and he could see that it had been an excellent decision. His parents were out there, swinging up a storm. Or trying to. He didn’t think he’d ever seen them dance before. Now he understood why. They looked like bu...

Liar (2000) by Francine Pascal

Secrets and Seductions (2012)

Tim White sat in his office at the Tribune, glaring at Elizabeth. “Is she just not talking?” “No. She gave me the interview.” Tim was talking about Robin Platt, the woman who’d accused Bruce of attempted rape. Like all media outlets, the Tribune wasn’t releasing the woman’s real name. Around the ...

Secrets and Seductions (2012) by Francine Pascal

Missing (2001)

. . thrown him a little. It was so mercenary.   “AH, MONSIEUR FARGO, BON SOIR. Ze lady, she has already arrived. Follow me, please.” X-Rated Body French. Of course Heather had chosen a French restaurant. Capsouto Frères. Heather said that it was “not necessarily all that trendy” (a classic Heathe...

Missing (2001) by Francine Pascal

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