Ex ED GLANCED AT HIS WATCH AS HE waited outside the rest rooms at the Union Square Theater. It was eight fifty-five. In five minutes Gaia was going to be meeting Jake a couple of blocks away to do . . . whatever it was they were going to do. And Kai was in the bathroom, taking a very long time. “Come on, Kai,” Ed said under his breath. “What are you doing in there?” The door opened and a pretty brunette walked out. She took the hand of one of the other guys waiting along the wall, and they walked toward the door together, laughing. I’m evil, Ed thought, watching the happy couple. Kai asked me to go to a movie and I set the whole thing up at this specific theater at this specific time just so I could spy on Gaia and Jake. What kind of date am I? Of course, Kai did live somewhere in this neighborhood, so it wasn’t like the choice of theater was out of her way. Plus he wasn’t totally certain that he and Kai were on a date. Maybe they were just two people hanging at the movies together.