It was disturbing how easy it was to slough off a lifestyle and start another so radically different. It made her realise she had imposed a whole set of boundaries on herself where none actually existed outside of her head. She might have stayed inside them for years more ...
I want a word," said Daniel King, his hands on his hips as he spoke heavily, then turned away without waiting for an acknowledgment. Luke took a deep breath and held it as he threw his gear into the wide open mouth of his bag, thinking this was it. He'd been waiting for th...
Carstairs watched her with a warm smile curling the corners of his mouth. He was handsome, his features noble. In another context she might have found him disconcertingly attractive. But this was the man who had bought her virgin night. All she felt was fear. &...
She’d been working on it for three days now. It was driving her mad with frustration. She’d started rewriting everyone’s code, just to pass the time. Oh, all improvements. Let’s see anyone complain when their lame piece of half-assed software started turning somersaults. People were looking at th...
There was more to the world than an out-of-the-way cottage he had hired, a farmer's daughter to bring them a basket of food every day through the snow, and the two of them naked and drowsing away the days in bed. "I'm bored," she said, standing by the window and looking ou...