It was disturbing how easy it was to slough off a lifestyle and start another so radically different. It made her realise she had imposed a whole set of boundaries on herself where none actually existed outside of her head. She might have stayed inside them for years more if she had never met Justin. She spent twenty minutes ringing all the members of the school board and letting them know she wouldn’t be coming back. She recommended Marie strongly, and hoped she wasn’t burning bridges in a way she would later regret. Her next task was a rushed application for a passport. She had not ever left the country before, so she didn’t have one. The forms were hurriedly downloaded, completed and sent off with photos. Perhaps the most difficult phone call that Suzanne had to make was to her mother. Their stilted relationship always left her floundering to find some point of connection. Yet Catherine Turlin had been surprisingly warm about her only child taking off around the world.