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Heinrich Böll books

Heinrich Böll
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Read Books by Heinrich Böll


The Clown (1994)

ETICHETTEChe bello! Sono felice! Questo romanzo rende molta gente malinconica. Invece io sono felice. E, contro tutte le ipocrisie, voglio urlare la mia felicità. Forse non ho capito proprio niente del senso del libro? Molto probabile. Gli intelligenti critici recensirebbero in maniera negativa l...

The Clown (1994) by Heinrich Böll

Group Portrait with Lady (1994)

When Heinrich Böll won the Nobel Prize, this novel was singled out as his crowning achievement, even though writers win for a body of work rather than an individual book. The novel is a marvelous panoramic look at German society during and after WWII, conducted as a kind of investigation into the...

Group Portrait with Lady (1994) by Heinrich Böll

What's to Become of the Boy? Or, Something to Do with Books (1996)

Heinrich Böll ganó un Nobel de literatura por ser uno de los representantes literarios más importantes de la Alemania de la posguerra. Yo no sabía quién era. Compré Pero ¿qué será de este muchacho? porque el título me llamó la atención. Tiene solo cien páginas. Böll recuerda sus días de instituto...

What's to Become of the Boy? Or, Something to Do with Books (1996) by Heinrich Böll

Billiards at Half-Past Nine (1994)

It has been almost a month (and seems much longer) since i finished reading this book. It has been sitting next to this keyboard ever since. I haven't discussed it with friends. I haven't been tempted to share my thoughts in any way. That's about as tepid a 4-star assessment as possible.#1 of all...

Billiards at Half-Past Nine (1994) by Heinrich Böll

The Safety Net (1983)

First published in 1979, The Safety Net addresses the concept of security versus privacy, namely the individual disclosure of privacy in the name of public security, as causing as much harm (via isolation, social stratification, scrutiny, rumours etc) as it is supposedly supposed to prevent. This...

The Safety Net (1983) by Heinrich Böll

The Train Was on Time (1994)

I have spent much of my life, from around ten or eleven years old, looking for the answer, for something that would provide relief and allow me to, not exactly reconcile myself with The Fear, but at least be able to cope with those times when it sits on my chest and holds me down and pummels me i...

The Train Was on Time (1994) by Heinrich Böll

Irish Journal (1998)

Als die "schönste Liebeserklärung an ein Land" wird das "Irische Tagebuch" von Heinrich Böll (1917-1985) oft bezeichnet. Das ist es in der Tat - und ist doch weit mehr. Anders als der Verliebte, dessen Blick sich nur auf Farbenfrohes, Sonnenbeschienenes richtet und Dunkel nicht wahrnimmt, braucht...

Irish Journal (1998) by Heinrich Böll

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