This was interesting. It made me think about things I had never thought about before. I made the mistake/choice to look up this incident in the beginning of my reading and saw some comments made by some of the americans about her. It made me read it with a critical point of view. But I found myse...
Amazing read! The last 100 pages flew. I always recommend a book that makes me tear up.
Devorei o livro, mas desde o começo tinha a impressão de que seria uma história pesada de se ler, sabendo da história de cativeiro tão longa de Ingrid Betancourt e todo o sofrimento que eu imaginava que ela teria passado, e foi realmente pesado de ler. Diversos momentos me peguei em lágrimas enqu...
I moved away and crouched down in the corner of my hut, cupping my hands over my ears. I wanted to be sure I heard properly. Gloria’s children had been kidnapped at the same time as their mother. The guerrillas had stormed their building and forced everyone out in the street in pajamas. Her young...
THE YOUNG KOREAN Boreal Summer 2006 He saw her come in wearing her gym clothes, a towel around her neck. She glanced at her watch and walked over to the exercise machines. Theo pretended to be tying his shoelaces so he could observe her at his leisure. He had seen her once...