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Jake Bible books

Jake Bible
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Read Books by Jake Bible


Metal and Ash (Apex Trilogy)

All the power in the world, all the privilege that had been dangled in front of him to betray his fellow outpost team, hadn’t been enough. Sure, he walked tall and acted like the new leader the outpost needed, but that was daytime. At night, when the lights were out and he was only alone with his...

Metal and Ash (Apex Trilogy) by Jake Bible

Z-Burbia 4: Cannibal Road

Yes, I know leaving the story on a cliffhanger is not exactly polite, but fuck all y’all. This is my story.How about we go back to that night that Dr. Stanley Martin Kramer walked into Critter’s Holler and proceeded to stir up so much shit that I never thought we’d wade out of it?Good a place as ...

Z-Burbia 4: Cannibal Road by Jake Bible

Salvage Merc One: The Daedalus System

Not the end.     But it wasn’t the beginning either.     More like a vague middle.     I hurt all over. That wasn’t vague at all. My body was wracked with pain, and the first sound to escape my lips, once I’d rolled over and puked up a p...

Salvage Merc One: The Daedalus System by Jake Bible

Mega #02 Baja Blood

Gunnar said, pointing up at the smoking ruins of his home. “ wasn’t like that when I left.”     “Sir, the whole building has been cordoned off until the arson investigation is completed,” the police officer said as he stood by the barricades that surrounded the Vista Con...

Mega #02 Baja Blood by Jake Bible

Mega 4: Behemoth Island

He looked down at himself and saw his usual body, his usual gear, his usual everything. Although it was tinted green by the new NVGs he wore.     What he didn’t see was the cloaking effect that Carlos swore would keep them from being detected. As long as they remained still an...

Mega 4: Behemoth Island by Jake Bible

Mega 3: When Giants Collide (Mega Series)

“What?” Tank Top asked.     “I’m the fucking captain of the Monkey Balls,” Bokeem said. “I get to do the hailing.”     Tank Top looked at the handset and then at the man in the captain’s chair.     “Fuck that,” he grinned as he pressed t...

Mega 3: When Giants Collide (Mega Series) by Jake Bible

Dead Mech

“It is so huge,” he said, his voice cracking slightly, betraying his adolescence. The Archbishop turned to the Bishop’s smiling face. “I would like it to be mine.” He looked at the Ranchers about him. “Who will show me how to pilot it?” “Um, I am truly sorry, Your Holiness,” Bishop Wyble said. “Y...

Dead Mech by Jake Bible

Z-Burbia 5: The Bleeding Heartland

Who knew?     These guys do, since that’s where they are taking us. I have no idea of exactly where we are, but I do know we are still in Illinois. That has been made obvious by the way the shotgun guys start talking about “Illinois this” and “Illinois that”. I tune out most o...

Z-Burbia 5: The Bleeding Heartland by Jake Bible

Blood Cruise: A Deep Sea Thriller

  The bullet burst from the heavy suppressor. There was barely even a flash and only a loud cough as the round flew down the passageway and impacted squarely between Mikey’s eyes. The back of his head exploded into a thousand fragments of bone, chunks of brain, and a massive spray of blood. His b...

Blood Cruise: A Deep Sea Thriller by Jake Bible

Z-Burbia 7: Sisters of the Apocalypse

I can admit that. A little disappointed.     No Heavies. Just a heavy. A Jack Heavy. If that's his real name.     "Is that your real name?" I ask. "Jack Heavy? Kind of a funny name." "What's yours?" he asks as he slowly puts his .45 away and tosses mine bac...

Z-Burbia 7: Sisters of the Apocalypse by Jake Bible

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