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Read Metal And Ash (Apex Trilogy)

Metal and Ash (Apex Trilogy)

Online Book

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Samannah Media

Metal And Ash (Apex Trilogy) - Plot & Excerpts

All the power in the world, all the privilege that had been dangled in front of him to betray his fellow outpost team, hadn’t been enough. Sure, he walked tall and acted like the new leader the outpost needed, but that was daytime. At night, when the lights were out and he was only alone with his thoughts, the faces of Security Chief Andrew Morris and Special Teams Leader Gregory Knobel haunted him. Their silent, accusatory stares unnerved him, leaving him sleep deprived and short tempered in the morning.But that was war, he told himself. And in war a person did things they couldn’t live with. So they took more lives into the Hell they had fallen into.“Allegiance?” Norton asked as he walked to the next kneeling person in a long line of terrified outpost personnel. “Choose now.”The woman, one of the kitchen staff, looked up with puffy, tear swollen eyes and spat. Norton dodged the weak spittle and nodded to a guard. The bullet pierced the back of her head and Norton barely had time to step away from the spray of brain and bone.“Jesus Christ, Caldwell!”

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