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Jayde Scott books

Jayde Scott
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Read Books by Jayde Scott


A Job From Hell (2000)

I did not like Amber as much as I liked Cass. Maybe it was because Amber's jokes were only funny in the first few pages, after that it became too childish. I wanted to whisper to Aiden to open his eyes/nose to notice that she is a teenage slob, who keeps forgetting to wash her clothes and she wea...

A Job From Hell (2000) by Jayde Scott

Voodoo Kiss (2011)

Alright Thrain is delicious i must say! and Sofia with thrain is even more yummy! I loved their relationship :) The story was good but some things well not things but how the writing went. That is why it can't get a 5 star. Sometimes reading was annoying because how Jayde writes is hmm not bad bu...

Voodoo Kiss (2011) by Jayde Scott

Dead And Beyond (2012)

Amber's friend Angel goes missing. No one knows where she is. Amber feels guilty because she has blood cravings being a newly turned vampire and she can't remember what happened the night before. There are some clues that Amber could have killed Angel, so she tries to seek the truth about Angel's...

Dead And Beyond (2012) by Jayde Scott

Forever and Beyond (2012)

Although I have thoroughly enjoyed this series of books, especially Aidan and Amber, I must say this one part of the series wasn't quite enough for me, personally. I was expecting a little more to the plot, maybe a little more adventure or at least a new development to Aidan and Amber's relations...

Forever and Beyond (2012) by Jayde Scott

The Divorce Club (2011)

Relationships were not developed. Conflicts were forced. I did not enjoy the conversations.Examples of weak conflicts:Sarah has a stalker. When he sends her text messages she acts strange, but she won’t tell anyone about it. That bothered me. It wasn’t believable.Jamie has a secret. When Ja...

The Divorce Club (2011) by Jayde Scott

Black Wood (2000)

I couldn't get into this book. Nothing really happened in the first half, and most of the story is from a bird's eye view. I feel I would have liked this when I was younger, but looking at a paranormal teen book it didn't work. It didn't really explain how magic worked in this world, the characte...

Black Wood (2000) by Jayde Scott

Beelzebub Girl

The air was hot, sucking every bit of oxygen out of my lungs. Bright rays seeped through the few loose stones in the wall, leaving a trail of whirled up dust particles in their wake. I sighed and pointed at the heavy mahogany door.     "How long is this going to take, Dad? You...

Beelzebub Girl by Jayde Scott

Black Wood (A Witch Rising)

Something rustled outside her window. She sat up straight in bed and strained her ears to listen. It sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard. Drawing in her breath, she tried to calm her racing heart. The scratching continued. Goosebumps covered her arms as she scrambled out of bed and bolted fo...

Black Wood (A Witch Rising) by Jayde Scott

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